Chaos Realm (RP Topic)

OOC: G’night all!

“Ok, thats something too. Besides, you can probably do something with that suit that calms people down”

“I have my doubts.” Muttered Traykar.

“Im sorry when did i say you where in this conversation?”

“I don’t answer to you.”

“Hey, watch this.” Echo said with a straight face before throwing a grenade at a island and it blowing up

“So? You’ve already been trashing the place.”

“Ok then ill make sure to do it more”

Ooc- gtg to school i will be back later

“Jerk.” Muttered Traykar.

“Explosions!” Bara whispered in his ear creepily from behind him before running away cackling madly.

I stick out my arm to clothesline bara

“Gack!” Bara gurgled loudly, falling over. “I-hate-you!” He gurgled out weakly, giving him the finger.

Blaze walks up and has a pensive look on his face. After a while he mutters under his breath, “Take a look at this labyrinth. To the heart seeking freedom this realm is a prison surrounded by chaos. And we seek to escape from this prison. We we need to find a way to depart from here.”

OOC: I did use another KH quote as the inspiration for this little spiel; what, I like the franchise.

Tangi sees something on the ground. It was a book. “Interuniversal Creature Compendium.” She read aloud from the cover. She opened the cover. “Property of Slash Swordplay. Hm, weird name. Probably missing his book.” She put it in her bag. “But it could be useful.”

Runa looked around from the isle to try to find his objective.

Feturu searched the future for something to help them home.

“Odd name indeed, Tangi.” Blaze says.

Feturu gasps. “We’re looking for a thing, not a place. Unfortunately, that’s all I got out of it.” She said, the last part somewhat somberly.

“How so? There is a method to its madness. Not that it matters much now” muttered Traykar.

“Who is to say there is method to it?” Blaze asks.[quote=“Runa, post:541, topic:36646, full:true”]
Feturu gasps. “We’re looking for a thing, not a place. Unfortunately, that’s all I got out of it.” She said, the last part somewhat somberly.

“So, we need to find a ‘key’ of sorts again?” Blaze asks, eager to have some progress on their objective.

“Can we kill this “thing” and go back home?”

" Why bother even trying to explain? I could do so, but that would ruin the mystery and wonder of this place. I wholeheartedly would just prefer to appreciate the madness for its abstract beauty, The chaos in the order in the chaos."