Chaos Realm (RP Topic)

OOC: Eric just opens a rift. He’s simple.

OOC Should I bring an alternate version of Ideruba?

OOC: My method is secure as only Hypernova’s wielder is how these Hypergates are operated.

Just the address would be enough.

IC: Blaze completes his Hypergate and wonders which universe he should dial to test it out.


OOC: well, this RP is technically over, sooo…

OOC: I meant in general rps with introducing AMU versions of myself, in this or future ones

OOC: oh, okay. You should come over to the current RP then.

I think it is best if biodude15 stays in his universe after being awol from the mafia for this long. but if you visit me, make sure to just @me. nothing will change between this rp and that universe, just I cant use my powers, and I am armed with a pistol.

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