Cool stuff about you

So did mine.

My grandfather fought in WW II.

My great grandfather fought in WW2 too!

My Grandad was a soldier during WW2, but he didn’t fight. I don’t know why. Sorry to ruin the chain..

Same. My great grandfather died in WWII. Also apparently I might be connected to Edward Teach on my mother’s side (my ancestor was one of his wives). I don’t think this is true though.

I’m related to one Juan Nino on my mother’s side, the man who built and owned La Nina, as in one of the three ships sailed by Christopher Columbus on his journey to the new world. It was also his favorite of the three. I got to visit a replica of it a few years ago in Galveston, Texas.

I was on the MOC Spotlight once, that was pretty cool…

Var once made a passing mention to one of my comments on a Brainstorm episode…

That’s about it. I’m not exactly a “special” person… :laughing:

I’m an author. 'Nuff said.

My great grandfather also fought in world war 2. After he was forced to join the Nazi party. He lost an arm in Russia

Oh, and @Mesonak liked my username on Brainstorm!


@Eljay liked my username on Brainstorm as well.


I’m a reserve conscript of the Finnish military, specifically trained to track submarines. Also a spotter for coastal artillery. Give me an AK and I’ll rock it.

I’m also a LUG Ambassador.

@ReeseEH I was also clotheslined by a clothesline once. It made me fall on a rock, which punched the air out of me. The line was also a very rough rope, so it left a long scar on my face, since I was running when I hit it. The scar starts from the right side of my forehead, curves by my right temple until it reaches my right cheek. The scar’s mostly faded, but still visible to a sharp eye.


Ouch! I ended up getting hit right across the throat; thankfully I didn’t crush my windpipe, and because I was wearing a backpack it cushioned my fall so I didn’t get a concussion. I don’t have that much of a mark on my neck anymore, although like you said I’m sure if one looked close enough there might be something there.

I’ve never eaten cheese.


The first time I played video games was in a hospital

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What even are you.


Hey! My great grandpa was a Nazi too!

(He was a cobbler beforehand, but World War requires all hands on deck)

When I was little a slammed my head to a wall and broke my nose, later the same year a chair fell on top of me, the edge hitting the exact same spot, I had regular nosebleeds for years

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ouch, that must’ve hurt

I have a dog.

My grandfather was once a Vice President and ambassador of France.