Cusp of a New Era: Stories of a Changing Time(RP Topic)

Blud didn’t hesitate and went to strike the sailor again. His eyes were cold and unfeeling, contrasting his hearty voice, as he ordered his pirates.

Moenir finished cutting one rope of the rope ladder, and began on the next and final rope.

The sailor fell as he was stabbed, collapsed on the deck.

The sailor slash down at Ryko as he tried to get up.

The sailor was hit by the bolt and fell overboard.

The sailor kicks at the approaching Blud.

The Admiral watched him do so, waiting for something from below deck.

As the sun rose higher on the morning, the fog and mist began to clear.

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Ryko blocked and stabbed.

Lillan grabbed the wheel and yanked it sideways, spinning it to turn the Nikidian ship away from the Blood Moon.

Kasie spotted the captain. Fitting an arrow to her bow, she carefully aimed and fired at the captain.

The sailor sidesteps Ryko’s stab and slices sideways at him.

The hit sailor tackled Lillan as he tried to turn the wheel.

The Admiral turned to see the bolt and moved to the side, it grazing his cheek. He growled as he started to approach her, drawing his sword.

Ryko blocks again, before swiftly stabbing and slashing.

Lillan grunts as he falls to the ground. He grips his dagger and jabs upwards.

Calmly, Kasie nicks another arrow and aims carefully, letting it fly at the Admiral.

Blud was kicked back, but kept his cutlass pointed towards the sailor, in preparation of an attack.

The sailor twists to the side, grazing his chest, and slashes up at Ryko’s arm.

The soldier is hit, and headbutts Lillan.

The Admiral, seeing it this time, jumps to the side and continues towards her.

The sailor stood his ground near Blud, not attacking, not turning back.

Ryko parries and stabs swiftly.

Lillan grunts and stabs again.

Still calm, she loads a heavier arrow, one that will fly faster. She fires again.

The sailor is hit by Ryko and falls to the ground.

Quickly losing strength, the sailor tries to shove Lillan overboard, along with himself.

He sees her load and uses evasive maneuvers to make himself harder to hit as he approaches.

Lillan resists and stabs again.

Kasie puts her bow away and grabs her sword.

The sailor takes it, and his body slumps over onto Lillan.

The Admiral swings his blade at her.

Lillan shoves the sailor away from him, before standing up and grabbing the wheel. He turned the wheel to turn the Nikidian ship away from the Blood Moon.

Kasie blocked. She stepped back and began to load her crossbow.

The ship begins to turn, and the Admiral looks back at it. He then turns to Kasie and starts slashing at her crossbow, mainly at the string.

Blud charges him again, putting all his weight and force into the blade.

Moenir, now feeling a bit safer, shoots at the admiral-looking person, that was shot at earlier.

Jen as his men fire at the stern of the nikidian ship.

The sailor twists to the side and kicks his leg into the way, hoping to trip Blud.

The Admiral saw the bolt out of the corner of his eye and jumps back, his chest being grazed slightly. He looks up at him and scowls, and goes back to fighting Kasie.

The ship was hit, but out of the hull comes men, and quite a few, carrying guns and powder. One was thrown to the Admiral as the ship was still close enough to cross, and he aimed it at Kasie.

Kasie jumped back, dodging the attack.
She fired her crossbow.

Lillan continued to turn the wheel.

He twists to the side as the bolt rips at his arm. He grasps it, then aims his pistol at her, firing with the dry powder that had been kept below deck until the fog cleared.

A sailor grabbed one of the guns and aimed at Lillan, pulling the trigger and firing.

The bullet pierced her shin, enlodging itself into the bone. Kasie cried out in pain and fell to a knee, drawing her sword.

The rising sun finds Louisa Marc awake and hungry. She had been doing her best to keep her head down since last night - could those idiot revolutionaries just stop antagonizing the army already? It just meant more patrols, which was the opposite of what she wanted. She had been forced to forgo dinner last night, keeping vigil here in the alley. Her sleep had been light and brief, constantly disturbed by the sounds of passerby. The whole thing had melded into one hazy, uneasy dream. Still, she had made it through the night.

Louisa stands, muscles screaming as they stretch for the first time in hours. She hobbles about the alley, glad nobody can see her sorry self as she nurses her muscles back into working order. The process is slow, punctuated by annoyed mutterings as she laments her situation. Finally she retrieves her rapier and musket from where they leaned against the wall, slinging the rifle over her shoulder and hanging the sword from her waist as she steps from the alleyway. It was time to address the gnawing hunger in her stomach, soldiers are no.

She pulls the floppy brim of her hat low over her face, doing her best not to look too jumpy as she walks down the street. She just needed some bread, then she could retreat to somewhere less conspicuous. That wasn’t so much to ask, was it?

Not looking where he was going, Hans accidentally bumps into her. “Oh, sorry.” He says as he looks in her direction. “Didn’t mean to bump into you.”

The Admiral stabs at her with his own blade.

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