Cusp of a New Era: Stories of a Changing Time(RP Topic)

“Ask the cook, he’s in control of the meals. His name Jeanne Corentin, I believe he’s one of the injured. Arty is seeing to the lot of them.”

“Righto, also if you’ve got anything heavy I can help with that.”

Ryko listened to the conversation, a neutral expression on his face. He fiddled with the black vial.

Lillan hummed to himself as he followed the Blood Moon.

Kasie fidgeted with a bright silver coin. “I wonder if any of those have got any money on them…” she thought.

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“'bout how much longer 'til we reach Gathens?” Sarah asks Blud.

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Blud thinks,
“Well we’ll be there tomorrow, fighting the Niki caused us to lose out original planned route, so we’re taking the long way.”

Moenir walks,

Blud cuts him off,
“Boy, I could use you to help Arty, I’m afraid we can’t pick speed with so many injured. Help the surgeon will yah. He’ll show you the ropes.”

Moenir walks off, heading below deck to find the surgeon.
Blud states,
“I could use a crew, with 12 injured, I don’t have much of a crew.”

Kasie popped her head up again
“Anybody got food?”

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“Hmph.” She takes another bite of bread, and seems content to chew it for the moment.

Blud comments,
“Jeanne’s injured, but once he’s back up he’ll start cooking.”

“What can I do?” Sarah asks.

Sean lets the silence fall for a second, letting her contemplate what they’ve said.

Blud thinks scratching his head,
“How well do you know a ship?”

“Not much at all.” She says with a straight face. “This’s th’first big one I’ve ever been on.”

“Ever sailed?”

“Once’r twice, but we always kept shore’n sight.”

“Basically the same thing, but on a larger scale. Just follow Jen’s orders and you’ll be fine. I’ll be below deck to help the boy and Arty.”
Blud says walking to the lower decks.

Jen barks,

Kasie nodded
“Y’know, normally people flip out when you’ve got a stowaway onboard.”

Jen smiles,
“Captain likes to call stowaways unpaid labor.”

Kasie scowled.
“Good luck tryin’ to get me to do that. I’m headin’ for the rebellion. And I intend to stop anyone who gets in my way.”

Jen laughs,
“Where do you think you are? You’re on a ship, unless you want to swim, good luck leaving here.”

“What do ya mean? I’m headin’ to Gathens. And so is this ship, unless she was lyin’.” Kasie points at Sarah.

Ryko sits on the deck, mixing fluids and chemicals.

Jen smirks,
“This ship goes where I tell it to go, besides we have a day before we reach Gathens, there’s plenty of labor to be done before then.”