Custom Toa Mata Mask Diplay Case

I honustly don’t know, but maybe you could sell it to someone for something like 40/80 dollars. I don’t really know. but for collectors this could be a must buy.

This is pretty cool.

You lucky skunk. All those masks make me jelly… Good work.

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… I need this…

first of all, these need to be mass-produced. there’s a pretty obvious need for stuff like this. :wink:

second, i really appreciate how sleek it is. it could easily go in any room of a house.

third, my only criticism is that it doesn’t seem to be comparable for g2 masks. i realize that this is a more difficult thing to do, and you probably only intended this for g1 masks, but if there were a g2 version of this, i believe you would reach a larger consumer base. just a thought.


Thank you for all of your input, it is most helpful! I have given the g2 masks some thought. I did come up with a design for attaching the new masks (Pictures below) The only issue I came across is that it would be a hair bit more expensive to buy all the parts for the new connection. It requires the new head, a #2 Technic cross-axle, and a ball joint with hole. I would also have to determine how large the case would have to be to accommodate all the gen 2 masks that have currently been released, but otherwise it seems to be doable.

Thanks again!


I’d easily spend at least $80 on this. Or is that too small? What are the measurements of the sides?

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I think $80-$100 would be a fair price. The dimensions are 19" wide 24.5" high and 3.5" deep.

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Right. Dimensions! That was what I was looking for.

I would honestly be interested in one of these. This is impressive.


Very, very nice. I’d love to do something like this with all the duplicate G2 masks I have.

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Ok cool! Do you think that $80 is a fair price? If you feel that the price is okay, I will get started on yours. It will be a few weeks before it is ready. I have to order some parts off of brick link and I am not sure how long it is going to take for them to get here. BTW does it matter to you if the eye stalk color is accurate on the holders?

I want them… I NEED THEM.

dude, you could definitely sell that, as for how much… eh… I’m not too sure, not too expensive though. looks nice! I’d be willing to buy it if
A) I had more than 6 of the mata masks
B) I wasn’t still living at my parent’s house and they’d actually let me buy it with the money that I don’t have

I’d say $40-$120 would be a fair price. 40 may be too low.

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Well. I spent the rest of my money on the 2016 sets. RIP me. I should’ve saved more to but this.