Decepticonaiden’s Inks!

So, the other day, I went out and forgot my pencil, so I decided to draw in ink without a sketch for the first time. So, I did up some concept art of two of my characters, Nitro and Network. I think it went pretty well!

(Also, trying a new way of posting my art)


Wow these look amazing!

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Thanks you!

I could never work with just ink… the very thought gives me shudders. Props to you for pulling it off flawlessly! These are great.


Very nice. Those are some good lookin’ decepticons. :+1: I think your use of pen and ink was also executed very well.

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@Sabretooth Thanks! I think the trick is to draw so roughly that it doesn’t matter if you make a mistake. The real challenge will come in when I try something more final

@ToaKylerak Thank you! Also, just a little thing, but the second one is an Autobot


Ooh, very cool. The detail and shading is all there without making the drawings look too messy or cluttered. Great work!

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Network looks like a buff Whirl to me.


Exactly, just with more depression and alcoholism

jeez, you’re really good at drawing.

so, good job! i was thinking about getting an ink pen set a while ago, but i don’t draw enough where it would be worth it.

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You should definitely still get one!

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mebbe I will… after I buy me a lego set.

sanctorum showdown, anybody?

anyways… drawing has always been fun! maybe you should post a tutorial on how to draw gud stuff.

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Maybe, but I suck at teaching people. (Although, I did want to make a joke tutorial for April fools)

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just started a decepticon sketch…

any tips for drawing transformers?

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I guess if I had to give some suggestions, I’d tell you to play with proportions a bit. Transformers have somewhat Gundam like proportions. Also, think about how everything would move. Like, make sure that parts don’t clash if they were to move. Another thing I would tell you to do is to look at Transformers shows and comics and see how they draw them. Learn the rules and common characteristics

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ok, thanks!

I have several (4) comics, I’ll practice drawing those guys.

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Personally, I take a lot of inspiration from Alex Milne, but I try and put my own spin on it. Like, I love to exaggerate proportions

I don’t know what I like yet… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Wow. These are absolutely amazing. I especially love the absolute monolith of a bot Network is.

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Honestly, at first I thought he was too big, but then as I kept working, I realized the he was perfect

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