Defeat the Symphaverse Chapter I RP Topic

The mask continues floating around looking for a place to go

He shot the one who dodged twice and shot the injured one again.

purukoura follows scavenger
ooc:are there any shadow clone thingys near me

OOC: @spiderstan not currently. Though that can always change.

IC: The injured copy is hit and crawls against the ground. The other one dodges both beams and closes in to Vlad.

purukoura looks around for any hostiles… and sees a neat plant and stops to examine it

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Scavenger continues walking to the southern most island.

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He launched two mini-missiles to him.

Raere attempts to shoot the second shadow. Needless to say, over a distance like his power causes the laser to be incredible powerful.

OOC: So… Are you close by my character?

OOC: 200 feet away and shooting at the shadow

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Vlad turned around and saw him.
“Dude! That distance won’t really help you, you know?”

purukoura gets up and sees scavenger has left him

The injured shadow copy explodes from the damage. All that remains of it is a light-like string, hovering still in the air. The second shadow copy barely dodges and its arm touches the laser, mush of the arm is destroyed and cracks like glass.

Scavenger is almost at the southern most island.

Antama continues his blue fire beacon. The flaming wyvern attacks a shadow copy of Symphony. It seems to weaken. Three more fire wyverns fly out of the blue fire beacon. A new shadow copy rises from the water. It seems different from the others and is a bit bigger.
@Toa_Vladin, @Omega_Tahu
A new shadow copy walks out of the water, it seems different and its presence causes all nearby wildlife to run away.
The blue fire beacon reaches the clouds and even higher, unless you are on the opposite side of the planet…you should be able to see it.
Geet stumbles up and sees Purukoura, he says to him,
“If you’re looking for your friend, he probably went to that beacon.”
Geet points to the blue fire, stretching into the sky. He extends the same info to Hitora (@Runa) . @LTVmocs The floating mask (Mukhavada) might notice Geet pointing to the blue fire pillar.

Mukhavada contemplated heading towards the person but decides to just watch

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Geet stumbles towards the fire (@spiderstan)

Raere fires another laser at the shadow who is about 200 feet away. Needless to say, the laser will be immensely more powerful when it hits the shadow than when it left the barrel.

Steel Guy shot some repulsors.

The newly injured shadow copy explodes from the blasts. It also leaves a light-like string, like the other one. The new, bigger shadow copy dodges and jumps forwards, near Vlad. It smiles crazily and chuckles.