Did anyone know this about Okoto?

Y’know, while it’s fun to bash on Lego for changing our favorite franchise, can you guys please cut them some slack? I mean, the series was designed for kids in the 8-12 range, not lore-obsessed teenagers like us, and creating/describing a full-blown and continuous magic system was not even a secondary priority in the face of trying to make the series fun for the intended audience. And also do keep in mind that while we complain about there being no absolute described limits on powers in G2, G1 had that exact same problem an, due to its massiveness and depth, actually far more issues compared to the simple story of G2.


So, like, Lego Magazine is not the most reliable source.

I thought it was established in the 2015 animations that protector masks had power.

The quote doesn’t make it sound like the protectors have great amounts of power. I’d interpret that as being helpful in adapting environments, rather than completely changing them.


That’s why I clarified it was lego club. But it wasn’t just in a page, it was the opening lines for their special release comic. But it can see how that was preliminary and they were probably just shotgunning ideas.

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holy heck…

What the, I didn’t withdraw this. What happened?

You know you can, unwithdraw it, right?

Ah, there, that was wierd.

I think you guys are looking into it too much. The Protectors had elemental masks, sure but they were much weaker than the Toa’s masks. Even their upgraded ones in the second graphic novel I doubt were that powerful. And in “shaping the island as they please”, they were tools to help build. They couldn’t literally alter the biomes on a whim. And with the Skull Spiders, they were a horde. Sure, a Protector could deal with a few easily, but they wouldn’t be able to defend a whole village from a swarm all on their own if the best they could muster was a few small fireballs or blow a few sand clouds. That’s like saying the Turaga should’ve been fine fighting the Rahi because they had the Noble masks at their disposals.


Just reread the second graphic novel. In the bit where Ekimu gives the ancient Protectors new masks he explains that they are only a means to unlock the user’s inner potential. And since Okotans aren’t godlike beings, it just reaffirms that their masks aren’t all that powerful in comparison to the Toa’s.