Dividing by Zero

Incorrect. Dividing by one is leaving it alone, just like multiplying by 1. Division is the inverse of myltiplication. Dividing something by 0 isn’t leaving it alone, just like multiplying by isn’t.

If you want we can go to limits and calculus. 1/10 is .1 1/1 is 1. 1/.1 is 10 …

And so on. When you look for the limit it approaches infinity, but only from the positive direction. If you approach from the negative, it approaches - infinity.

@ProfSrlojohn just so you know, infinity isn’t a value, it’s a size. That allows for the different magnitudes of infinity. Sauce has a lot of good videos about infinity if you would like to see them.


Like Kardax said, I was focusing more about how it’s treated in an equation. That’s just how my mind works.


Okay. Must have missed that when I skimmed this.

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No problem. I get where your coming from, and in conceptual math, that’s how it works.


You have not understood what I mean. You think I’m dividing the pizza into groups. I’m actually just dividing the pizza. All I can do is recycle my past statements and hope you understand them. A pizza that has been divided by nothing (zero) will remain the same.

To divide by zero you don’t have to do anything.

Good thing I never said that myself. I said that in order for the pile to be divided by one you would have to make a new pile. To divide the pile zero times you leave the pile as is.

They’re not wrong in the math world but in real life where math matters it works.

I said that because that argument is only worth anything in the math world. Math should answer questions. If it fails then it has no purpose. In real life with a real situation undefined is not a valid answer when you can see one of something.

You achieve this by doing nothing.

If you divide something by one then you will have done something to it and so that is not the same as dividing by zero.


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Not sure what to say. I have seen at least 5 people beside me try to explain this to you. Beside that, you have ignored the rest of my explanation.

If you like YouTube maybe watch some videos about it? I find Numberphile to be a good channel for math.


Okay, I’m going to try a different approach, and if this doesn’t work, I’m giving up.

What you seem to be misunderstanding, is that your denominator, the bottom number, is not how many slices into the pizza you are making, but how many pieces you are cutting it into.

So, if you have 1 in the denominator, that is a whole pizza. One big ol’ piece of pizza. If you have 2 in the denominator that is 2 halves of a pizza. If you have 3 in the denominator, that’s thirds, and so on and so forth.

But, if you have 0 in the denominator, that means you are cutting the pizza into 0 pieces, which obviously can’t be done. You can’t turn a whole pizza, into no pizza at all, can you? And that, is why it is undefined. There is no way to do this.

I hope I’ve made things clear.

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This settles this debate. Dividing by zero is fundamentally impossible because when you divide by something, you are dividing the first object(s) into a number of groups equal to the number you’re dividing by.

You cannot divide anything of any countable number into zero groups.

Another way to think of it: when you divide x by y, you’re seeing how many groups of y can fit into x. It’s impossible to measure something in groups of zero, because zero is nothing; therefore, dividing by zero is impossible.


To divide a pizza by zero you don’t do anything. Like you said you can’t cut a pizza into zero pieces but you can not cut the pizza which is dividing by zero.[quote=“TBT_Emerald, post:47, topic:50635”]
Beside that, you have ignored the rest of my explanation.

Quite honestly I didn’t fully understand it.

That’s dividing by one, because you are “cutting” it into one piece.

The denominator isn’t the number of cuts, like you seem to think it is, it’s how many groups you are dividing it into.

You cannot cut something into 0 groups. Then it would cease to exist.


Saying “you don’t understand what I’m saying” is probably not the best way to start out a response, as it already indicates a total dismissal of the opposing argument.

Now with that out of the way, what is dividing to you? Because you say you’re not dividing the pizza into groups, but just dividing the pizza, but what is dividing if it’s not separating a number or thing into a different groups of the same thing?

Ok, I’m going to try and make this really clear here, as I feel that either you’re misunderstanding, you’re just really stubborn, or you’re trolling us. I sincerely hope it isn’t either of the last two.

Starting off, let’s consider what it means to do any mathematical operation. This includes division, multiplication, addition, subtraction, etc. For each there’s an action that must be completed, 1 must be combined or taken away from 4, 6 must be divided into 3 groups, and so on. Therefore we can say mathematical operations must have a completable action to reach a defined, answer.

The dilemma arrises because any operation with 0 as the denominator does not have a possible action for us to take. Like so many have already stated, there is no action that can be taken therefore meaning that there is no defined answer. Leaving it alone doesn’t work here because then there is no action, there is no operation, there is no “math.” Leaving it alone essentially results in the fact 1=1, not the equation 1=1/0.

I hope this makes things clear


Using simple algebra, this can be proven false. If “X * Y = Z” then “Z ÷ Y” must “= X”

According to you, in the equation, " 1 ÷ 0 = X," X would be equal to “1”

If we were to then flip it around to " 0 * x=1," there is no adequate value for X as zero times any number will always be zero, and zero certainty doesn’t equal one.

Therefore, according to basic math, there cannot be an answer to any problem that divides by zero.


You cut something into zero groups by not cutting it. If you can make a pizza disappear by not cutting it then I will go to your side.

In the math world yes. But in the real world no.

The math world is the real world. That’s like saying magic is real if you disregard science, or that we can fly if we disregard gravity. The facts are the facts. Answer this question: If you have zero slices of pizza, how many does it take to make a whole pizza?

That’s up to you, you’re the one saying that’s possible to cut a pizza into 0 groups. If you don’t cut the pizza, then you’re dividing by one. No it’s, and, or buts. You are dividing by one. If you don’t cut it, you have 1 group.


The math world is simply numbers. The real world is much different from that. In the real world pizza doesn’t become undefined and everyone will agree with that.

I say it’s possible to divide a pizza into zero groups.

If you don’t cut the pizza then you’re not dividing.

It doesn’t become undefined because you can’t divide by zero. 1 pizza is 1 group. 0 pizzas are 0 groups. Just saying they same thing over and over again like it hasn’t been debunked doesn’t strengthen your argument. Each of us has explained it over and over again in a variety of diffrent ways as to how it’s impossible. You’re not being clever, you’re wrong and stubborn.

Well, if you’re not dividing, then you certainly aren’t dividing by zero. That’s like saying the numbet “1” and acting like it’s a math problem. Besides, it doesn’t matter if you’re not trying to divide it, every single number has, and always will have a denominator of 1. It’s understood to exist. Whether you like it or not, 1 whole pizza is the same as 1/1 pizza

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Depends on how hungry you are.

Rather than argue the same point everybody and their brother has already made 58 times, I’m going to point out something a little different.

Math doesn’t always have to apply to the real world, or make sense in the real world, it just has to give the right answer in the end.

An example of division by zero actually showing up in math is the calculation of speed of an object that is accelerating/decelerating. Speed is defined by distance divided by time. So to get the average speed, you divide the distance by the time, right? Well, if you want the speed at a given moment, rather than the average speed, you essentially have to divide by zero time, since zero time passes in a single moment. However, as you said, the object is obviously moving as some defined, measurable speed. In order to find that speed, you need to rearrange the equation to get rid of the division by zero. The answer is not “undefined”, but the actual, measurable speed of the object as a real number.

Basically, division by zero isn’t something that makes sense in the real world, but rather it is something that is done in the process of solving the math problem. The reason division by zero is “undefined” is simply because the answer you get when you apply division by zero is not the same for every scenario.


You are still stuck in the mindset, of that the denominator, the 2 in 1/2, is the number of cuts.

It’s not. The bottom number is the amount of groups you are making. In 1/2 you are making 2 total groups.

In the case of 1/0 you run into a problem. How do you turn it into 0 groups? To do this the pizza would have to cease to exist. Completely. Like it never existed ever. Even if you eat it, it still exists, in your stomach. If you digest it, you are just simply cutting it up to the molecular level. As you can see, this can’t be done in the real world, and that is why it is undefined.

If the pizza still exists, and hasn’t been touched, its still 1/1, or a whole. No changes have been made.


Then riddle me this: what active action do you take in the real world to divide a pizza by zero? Because doing nothing isn’t an action