Do Rahkshi and Bohrok have gender?

Basic question I thought of a while ago. Bohrok used to be Av-Matoran, so do they keep their genders? What about Kraata? Do they have gender?

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Wellā€¦ assume the Krana in a Bohrok have gender based on the fact that they were Av-Matoran

Also maybe we could add Visorak and Vahki to this discussion?

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Well, Vahki were robots, and of questionable sentience, so they probably wouldnā€™t have gender.

Iā€™d say Visorak probably do, just like any other arthropod.


Oh Visorak most defiantly do. And I guess the AI is a vahki could be ā€œfemaleā€. But what about kraata?


well I guess this could be debatableā€¦ assume a makuta somehow makes a kraata with enough personality to be an individual being, or the assembly line in Metru-Nui somehow, accidently or not, sets a highly sophisticated and humanoid AI into a Vahkiā€™s system, then assume it has the choice of identifying gender despite the lack of differences, they could be uni, or they could chose male or female

Iā€™m sure kraata have genders,visorak obviously do.
iā€™m not sure about the bohrok
The vahki obviously donā€™t,but maybe they have programed genders or something?

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Ah, Ghosty, as I mentioned before, what if the Bohrok still had some of itā€™s identity, and thus a sense of gender, from when it was an Av-Matoran, assuming someone doesnā€™t automatically build a bohrok instead of letting an Av-Matoran turn

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What if kraata have the gender of the makuta who makes them? So Gorastā€™s would be female, and someone like Teridax would have male kraata. But I have no evidence to support this. If somebody knows the answer to this, please tell me.


ā€¦ hmmā€¦ what if there were visual differences to distinguish gender? Like slender/curves on females, bulkier and imposing males?

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Doubtful. Kraata are like worm things, and the Rahkshi are just shells. So I donā€™t know.

Why would they need genders? Bohrok, while originally Av-Matoran, are mindless robots. Neither would krana as their intelligence is limited to completing their tasks. Iā€™d even argue the Bahrag are ā€œitsā€ too; their status as ā€œQueensā€ are just a title to go along with the swarms bug theme.

Rahkshi are a similar case. Theyā€™re mostly mostly destructive monsters and are basically living weapons created by the Makuta. I donā€™t see why they give genders to rahkshi or why a standard rahkshi would be self-aware enough to think about such things. That said, I can see some unique or mutant Rahkshi being intelligent enough to become fully sapient. Thereā€™s shadow kraata so why not shadow rahkshi?

Someone also brought up Vahki and Visorak. My answer to those are no and yes, respectively. Vahki donā€™t even have free will. Visorak are rahi, which I believe have genders as well.

In short:
Bohrok: No.
Rahkshi: No with some possible exceptions.
Vahki: No.
Visorak: Most likely


would you rather a monster/thing/creature have a gender or just be a thing meant to destroy?

Iā€™m not saying youā€™re wrong, but I must point out that sapience has no effect on gender. Just saying.

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Biologically speaking Kraata would be hermaphrodites.
Bohrok would have the Av gender.


@JMP In context of Rahkshi, no. Is it necessary for a monster to have a gender?

Most creatures and monsters in fiction would, realistically, have genders. However, things are different when you look at it in the context of the narrative.

Monsters arenā€™t supposed to be sympathetic characters. Theyā€™re inhuman things for the hero to overcome. Yes, you can give them genders but it isnā€™t required. What matters is the threat it poses to the hero(es) of the story. Do we really need to know what gender the Hydra was when it fought Hercules?

Most swarm villains are in the same boat. They were never meant to be people, just powerful creatures for the Toa to overcome.

(Also, one way to make creatures less repeatable is to strip them of gender identity for the audience. We identify with ā€œhimsā€ and ā€œhersā€ but not ā€œits.ā€ :wink: )

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So many what ifs? in this conversaton

Iā€™m smelling a lot of ā€œifā€ coming off this plan.

Rahkshi most certainly donā€™t; they are essentially the dark essence of their given Makuta master with robotic suits. Perhaps you could argue that a Kraata Kal would assign him/herself a gender, but it would be superficial.

Bohrok donā€™tā€¦ Presumably. When they were Av-Matoran, they did have genders (obviously), but itā€™s more like recycling than it is giving their matoran body-donor a new form.


Arenā€™t there wild Rahkshi? Or am I remembering wrong? I remember some were in the archives

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Yes, the ones who lived under the Archives were indeed known as ā€˜wildā€™ Rahkshi. They were ones that were set free after completing their given tasks. However, at some point, they did belong to the Makuta.