Duckie’s new art style: the topic

Here’s a topic for stuff in my new art style.

Me with a bo staff. Why anyone would give me one of those I have no idea.


um…hate to be nitpicky, but bo-staffs are thicker, around 1-1.5 inches and they are also longer. a decent bo-staff should be taller than you, as long as it is within 6 inches taller.

just cuz I do martial arts, and that bo-staff bothers me.

but that’s a cool drawing!



Thanks for the advice

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i saw that!

no problem!

I think if you worked on your confidence with lines What the heck is that called? and proportions a bit, you’ll have a pretty solid style! As is, it’s pretty neat.

That’s acting

Thanks for the tips! The head did come out big on this one…

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No problem! Keep at it!