Eljay's AMA

I’d have to listen to them again.

BIONICLE Heroes, personally.

Also, we’re live!

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So who was the person who compared you to three famous people?

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Ooh, Eljay. What an honor to talk to you. Do the other TTV members actually hate you, or is it in a more joking manner?

Most of the hate on Eljay is just in jest.

Most of it…


Le gasp!

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What did you think was the Funniest moment of 2016 so far mine was the cast segment from episode 217 as I spent 5 whole minutes of nothing but laughing

Do you do halo 1v1s on pc?
I recently got Combat evolved (and custom edition) for pc

Various people.

If they do hate me, it isn’t as much as I hate myself.

The situation with the fly while we were at Brickfair. Hands down the hardest I’ve laughed this year.



What are your thoughts on vessel shutting down?

I think I just cut myself on the edge.


Yo, could we 1v1

Is Little Johnny actually a representation of Kahi?

Well you see, Eljay is a version of LJ, which means Lewa Johnson. Which shares the same initials as Little Johnny. not to mention Johnny might be a version of Johnson.

In other words, Little johnny is Eljay.

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That or it’s just doing the “Little Timmy” routine, where you take the word “little” and a generic name that sounds like a children’s name.

Ah yes, but you see, Kahi is named Jon. He is also, well, little. ish.

Coinkidink? I think probablybutI’mgoingtoaskregardless.


Little Johnny is a fusion of Eljay and Kahi.


If I shine a flashlight on you will you lighten up?


If I buy you some water will your humor be less dry?


Can i ask a question and get an answer?

C’mon, Caleb. We were going for a pun-train, and you ruined it. You put on the brakes when there aren’t supposed to be any brakes on the pun-train.

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