Eljay's AMA

##Huzzah! :smile: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

(back to questions, I guess…)

Hey Eljay! I was wondering which one of your recap/recent reviews was most fun for you to produce, and if there was one standout moment from an episode that you remember?


Shave? Why, u jelly?


As far as the Recaps go, I had the most fun making the skit for the Metrutoran. I had my younger brother Speeder shoot the egg with a high powered BB gun, and it was awesome watching the egg explode.

With the Recents… I had a huge amount of fun making the skits for the Protector of Stone, Water and Ice. Mainly because I did those with people, and it was enjoyable working with others for a change. =P

And the podcast… Gosh, it’s been so long. Although, I’ll go with an unreleased clip of the Greg Farshtey interview that I have. It was while we were waiting for Kahi, and we were just talking to Greg about the books. I mentioned having them all next to me in a book shelf, to where Var/Ven made some comment about me being a dork. Greg followed up, saying I was a “man of good taste.” It was hilarious, but really nice and fun to hear. =P

… Maybe. ;(


Is it that people hate the Miru because you wear it, or do people hate you because of the Miru?


I for one love the miru, especially when black or white.

Eljay, how do you feel about rising costs of LEGO sets? Are you one of the complainers or one of the meh-ers?


My face speaks for me on this issue… XD

And no, I am not mimicing Eljay. :stuck_out_tongue:


So, on the subject of the Miru, will you ever post a tutorial on how you made yours?

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Oh, people hate me for completely different reasons. =P AKA major bias and word of mouth. Some people just think the Miru is a dumb mask.

Since I don’t buy system Lego sets, I can’t exactly speak on this. Most, if not all, of the Bionicle sets have been an amazing value, so I like their costs. But as for standard system? If costs are going up, we must only hope the part count does as well.

Not likely. I didn’t make it very conventionally, so it’d be hard to do.

Speaking of Miru’s… You guys should keep yours eyes open for a Miru related video/topic. Maybe in March. Maybe.


Ask them to rethink that after pulling them off a cliff. :stuck_out_tongue:

On a scale between Kahi and Mangosteen, how much do you like/hate the attempts to explain Bionicle with science?


No real opinion. Sounds like a bit of a headache, though. =P



what is your opinion on musical parodies of mnog with meso


The noble Huna has a better design than any variant of the miru ever. 10/10 would annoy Eljay again?

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Hey Eljay, how do you come up with such amusing comebacks? Oh, and if you could pick any other topic besides Bionicle and Lego in general as the focus of TTV, what would you choose? If TTV wasn’t TTV.

The Noble Huna will, and always be, the face of a bio-mechanical aardvark. Not to say it is bad, but I can’t get over the huge nose.

They’re fantastic.

I come up with amusing comebacks? =D
And yikes… Hmm… Most likely Power Rangers. That, or various TV shows like Castle, Bones or Fringe.


Dear Eljay…

Let’s say the President declared the Miru to be a dumb mask as a law, and told everyone to stop wearing one. What would you do then?


P.S. Kakamas are better.



Wear the Jungle Mask.


Wise choice, Eljay. Another question:

Why do you joke about eating the pieces in the Recent Reviews? Don’t you know that’s a serious health hazard for kids? Especially if theyactually tried to eat and chew on them?
As much as I like you, it’s kinda rude with the tone of voice you give for that.


My younger brother once nearly choked on a Bionicle piece.

And I don’t joke about it. I point out the warnings on the box, and point out when they aren’t there. If people are dumb enough to eat them, then it’s because they’re dumb enough to eat them. Not my fault. =P