Empire of Insects

“Yeahhhh…so me an my friendz were wondering where do you get yer stories from anyway?”
Says the large probably intoxicated weta

Sopter Sat and pondered the king’s death, and his heir, deciding to let the make the first move of their regime before he plans, yet willing to serve if desired to

“Oh, my stories?” Izbec says with a chuckle. “I suppose I just get my stories from, well, living. My own experiences mainly. I guess you could say I’m a collector of stories.” He said as he continued walking.

There was a knock at the doorway.

“Sir?” A firefly said. “The Emperor has convened the council. They’re meeting in the throne room.”


“Staying dry?”

Looking up would reveal the incredibly tall and wiry figure of the Weaver, staring down as the rain crashed about him. He had a bundle in one limb and it was impossible to tell which of his eight limbs was an arm or actually a leg.

His snide comment was spoken harmlessly and seemed to imply something.

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He’d hear a series of loud clicks as Sopter rose and approached the doorway, hard exoskeleton meeting stone flooring

“Normally I quite like the rain.”
Goliath said solemnly in his deep and gentle voice.

“I enjoy the refreshing chill and the feeling of water rolling off my shell. But this rain is much different. It seems to be just as dreary as everything else has been lately.”

Vachy was standing down at a crowded table inside his mobile store. The place was so full that you could barely breath in it. The shelves were not enough. A lot of his items fell to the ground or on his few pieces of furniture. You could barely see a bed in a dark corner.
Besides this a warm light was emerging from a candle. His two millipedes were hydind between the extensions of his roof and a few trees, although the rain didn’t seemed to really affect them.
Vachy sighed as he looked on a window.

Capry was standing at a table in the corner of the Sandy Tavern, looking at the rain and drinking his nectar.

The Weaver had reached for the bundle under his limb but stopped at Goliath’s comment. His tiny eyes darted about Goliath’s figure, and then sadly, he turned away, stalking past him.

The firefly scrambled out of the way as the large Sopter moved past. The latter could probably hear the chatter from the throne room already, most of it inconsequential babble.

Sopter entered the throne room, his large figure however made doing so awkward. “I’ve arrived.” He announces, as he tries to use his sense of smell and hearing to discern the blobs if color before him

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There was a large variety of insects present, all wearing numerous different types of uniforms with elaborate details. Not that Sopter would’ve seen them or cared.

The murmurings was brought to a halt by a tap from the limb of the young Emperor. Although only Sopter could have heard the silent clicks occurring right before the tap, almost as if there was a millipede hiding under the table, telling the Emperor to stop the commotion so it could continue… Doing whatever it is millipedes do.

“The Fable Knights have brought word that the Moths will be arriving in the commonwealth within the week.” One of the advisors said. “It will not be long before they arrive. So far word of the emperor’s death has not left the ears of the people, and undoubtedly they will carry it home.”

The other advisors waited impatiently as he pressed back his antennae. “I expect war.”

“But the other nations have made allegiances with us.” Another advisor spoke up. “We have no enemies from here to the farthest point in the world. Our nation is the most influential around; who would have cause to harm us?”

“We are the only thing between the rest of the world and the sea ports.” The former retorted. “Whoever controls this nations controls all ocean imports. And we may soon find out who our allies really are.” He leaned forward on the thin table as he stared dramatically at each advisor.

“Now Grales has no military. The Holos are invincible, so we know from the first Emperor’s historic defense of the capital over two hundred years ago. But times have changed, and the invincible Holos are few in number. We cannot count on them to protect the entire nation. And the Fable Knights’ disdain of the emperor cannot be disguised; they proclaimed it with every breath. How do we know they will not turn on us if given the proper moment?”

Now two, three, four, the entire council was speaking at once. The metallic Holos by Yuburu’s sides hit a gong behind the throne and the room fell silent. Even with Sopter’s limited sight he could see something was very wrong with the young emperor. He swayed back and forth in the throne, and there were heavy rings under his tired, youthful eyes.

“I think,” He began, before drifting about in a trance-like dizzy spell. “I think we should heed the words of Sopter. He has more wartime experience than us all.” He gestured sleepily to Sopter, and the room turned its attention upon him.

“Sorry about that.”
Goliath said, realizing his gloomy mood had effected the weaver.

“These recent events have just been weighing on me. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

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“my liege, as you secure your powerbase I see this going several ways. Firstly our allies betray us, or they stay loyal. If they stay loyal all fears shall be domestic with the fable knights. However Should they betray at the moment at least we’ll be finished. The fable knights may help though I expect they’ll either demand Independence or a steep price for it, and the holos are too few in number to effectively protect the nation. Perhaps it’s time to consider enlisting a military? Even a small one would do if manged well with forts spread accross the kingdom as a web of protection.”

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As Sopter spoke, the silent clicks continued. They seemed to be coming from beneath the floor.

“And how exactly would we do that?” The first advisor spoke up. “The citizens of Grales are merchants, farmers, and officials of the state. We have no effective pool from which to draw a military from, and the low taxes means we have no reliable funds for producing such a military.”

“The Fable Knights could be manipulated,” A stick insect said, with a wheezing, sly voice. “Into constructing the military for us. They are loyal to the people of Grales and their influence over the nation is great; given good cause they could provide us with insects willing to give their lives to the emperor in his service.”

Yuburu folded his long hands and appeared to be contemplating, but in reality had dropped unconscious. He awoke after a moment. “Yes, I had… Wasps would make a good military, they are agile…”

The stick insect spoke up again. “I am too preoccupied with my own departments to directly contribute in the formation of a military, but such a leader needs be strong and capable.” He glanced knowingly at the sea scorpion. “Which is why I suggest that Sopter be put in charge of organizing and forming it.”

The other members had risen to take a vote, but two more clicks from beneath the floor made Yuburu jump to his feet. “It’s decided, then.” He said, suddenly alert. The members of the council were surprised that no vote was taken but didn’t wish to contradict the emperor’s wishes.

“Sopter, you are in charge of heading and forming the military. This council is adjourned and will reform at the end of the day.”

The young emperor nearly bolted down the stairs at the end of the room, tripping on them multiple times as he did so. The stairwell was far too tiny for Sopter to fit through, so if wanted more information, he would need some help.

The Weaver stopped mid-stride. His eyes looked straight forward, not bothering to look back. Clutching the bundle under his limb tighter, he pressed on.

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“I hope you have a nice day sir.”
Goliath said over his shoulder, trying to sound a bit more positive.

Poor guy. Really didn’t mean to upset him like that.
He thought to himself as he watched the weaver walk away.

Sopter turned to head to his study to begin planning out his new position

Cheviot was making his down the road to the Sand Tavern. He wasn’t going inside for a drink, however; he was to go around and behind the tavern, to meet with an… associate. He brought with himself a good-sized bag of money, most (if not all) of it being “tax” money from a few years ago, when he still worked as a tax farmer. He felt lonely these days, succumbing to the heavy atmosphere of dreariness that’s stuck around now ever since the death of Emperor Hoshu. But he was soon to get a moment’s distraction… or he hoped to, at least.

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Don’t suppose you’d want any help collectin’ stories?" asked Okiri "Not to mention, I could escort you to wherever you want… for a price of course

“Yeah! I’d be willing ta help ya find some stories.”

Sopter summons a servant to his quarters, to better help draw up his plans.

Another firefly in similar attire to the last arrived with rolls of paper and several quills and inkwells, prepared for a long and incredibly silent vigil. He bowed before Sopter and placed himself by the doorway.