Empire of Insects

“Say something in one of those!” Capry said excited.

“Hokay…” They say as they clear their throat

“Isandi selizwi lakho simnandi
Egcwele njengokungcamla kwe wayini entsha
Kwaye mna, isidenge esinxilayo kwi tangle yeentyatyambo
phila kuphela umthinjwa ukuze uyive.” The words come forth much clearer than when speaking in the language of Grales

“Uhm… Uhm… What does it mean?”

“Eet’s a poem it roughly translates too:
Theh sound of yhour voice is sweet
Full like theh taste of sap wine
And I, drunken fool in a tangle of flowers
leehve only a capteeve to hear it.”

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“That’s nice. Do you have a name?”

“My name is Sheshes, yours?”


“Do yhoo mind eef I ahsk yhoo a question?”

“Go on.”

“Whell evehryone in Ghrales seehms to be sahd, do yhoo know why?”

“Ah… Yeah… Our emperor just died…”

“Truhly? Thaht is a trahgedy, I am greahtly sympathetic to yhour empire’s loss.”

“Wait, you met the emperor?”

“Oh nonono!” They say quickly shaking their mask from side to side “However theh ruhler of theh ceetee I lived in recently fehll ill so I cahn rehlate thaht’s ahll.”


“I suhpose it muhst be mahking quhite theh scene in and ahmongst theh royhal guards.”


Consir left the bar, to resume his journey

“Alright,” said Cheviot. “I’ll tell you what I know. The state treasury has taken a big hit recently due to the many costs associated with the preparations for the late Emperor’s funeral. State finances are recovering, though the funds recovered so far have been minimal. In order to finance as large of a standing army that we need, we’d have to tax the citizens of the Commonwealth territories as much as those living in the Capitol, which I imagine won’t go over well with them.”

He nods, “yes I expected as such, which is why I’ve considered enforcing tariffs on our trade empire to soften the tax increase.”