End of the Gilded Age - RP Topic

“Ya stupid or something? That’s the ■■■■ point.”

“I ain’t as quick as I was in my youth. I assume that you’d like to fancy yourself as some sorta, sophisticated gunslinger.”

He laughs you off. “I ain’t no genteelman like those sops in New England. If ya shoot me, my friends will find out and come in blazing. You’re in an echo chamber, and there ain’t no law out here.”

“Let him come, but I know you won’t kill that man.”

“And you ain’t kill’n me, huh?” He asks. “You must be new to all this.”

“Listen boy, As long as he’s alive, you’re alive. Do you fear death? Comprehende?”

“Ah look, he’s tryna be my pa and priest at the same time.” The bandit laughs, and shoves the gun further into the temple of the old man.

The old man looks stressed, and starts to sweat horrendously. “P-please. Stop. You’re just tempting him!”

“He ain’t got the gumption to die, this ain’t my first hostage situation.”

“Neither do you!” the bandit cries. He takes the gun away from the old man and points it at you. “I’m tired of your mouth’n. Shut up, or you both die.”

Outside, the bandits on their horses get closer. They look toward the car behind all your PCs.

Taking his chance, Richard pulls his pistol from his holster and shoots. The only way he would miss, is if the bandit moved.

“I’m old and tired, I’ve lived my life, and with age comes experience. I haven’t lived this long to be killed by some pipsqueek that got too big for his britches,” He continued as he put his hand in his jacket pocket.

You are successful. The gunshot rings through the cab, and you see the glass shatter in front of you. One of the bandits falls of his horse, and the gun falls on top of his head. Outside, you can see blood trailing from his chest. The other bandit notices, and looks inside of the cab. He points his rifle at you and attempts to fire.

Fortunately for you, the bullet ricochets off part of the metal outlining of the train. The bandit starts to ride a different way, to the left, and starts reloading.

The bandit shoves the gun to your chest. “I ain’t too big for anything. You pull a gun, and you’re toast!”

“HEY… hey… I know we all are a little worked up by the audacity of this trains service not to serve any american beer.” Hedvig says raising his hands in the air slowly. “So we can all just put down our weapons and talk this out. You are not the only ones who are displeased here.” He continues not really paying attention to the situation.

“I ain’t pulling a gun on you, I’ll just keep my hand where it is so you can feel better about your life choices. I proba’ly would have put my hand in the other pocket, if it weren’t for reasons obvious to you n me.”

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Richard holsters his pistol, andruns to his luggage, and crouches. He flips one of the cases open, and pulls out his rifle. He stands up, aims out the window, and fires 6 shots in quick succession, each aimed at a different bandit.

“You’re funny, mister,” the Victorian woman says. “But we ain’t leaving until we find that gold. Boss’ orders.”

“That’s right. Keep it there.”

Five of the six manage to hit your targets. (There were six other bandits!)

  • One of the bandits is shot off his horse, and he falls down, completely dead.
  • You missed the second bandit, but you got his horse. The horse neighs loudly, and shoves off it’s rider. The bandit falls on the ground and the horse crushes him under it’s weight.
  • The third gets shot off his horse, dead.
  • The fourth gets shot in the arm, and cries aloud. He tries to aim at you, and fires. It is truly lucky, since the train’s metal seems to be perfect cover for you.
  • The fifth gets shot off his horse, dead.

The sixth person, clearly a woman, manages to fire at you. The bullet makes it past the window as it shatters further. The bullet lodges into one of the luggage cases near you. A horrendously close call. She starts to ride to the side with Bandit #4, managing to get enough time to get to the next cab over.

“But then again, if you shoot me, then what’s stopping crazy earl here from shooting you?”

“I’ll have one down, at least. And ya’ll join me in hell!”

“But you see boy, Crazy earl ain’t like you or me, that’s why he’s got crazy as his honorific. You and me have the common decency to shoot one another dead in combat, but earl doesn’t see it that way, ain’t that right earl?” He asked the old man.

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Richard ducks down, his back to the wall. He opens a box of bullets, and quickly reloads, calmly pushing bullets into the port. This might give the 2 remaining bandits time to do something.

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