Epic Fails

I met a guy with insomnia and he was telling me about it. Then all of a sudden I said: “Me too!” It made me die inside. For a second time

Bada Bing…
Misread my assignment due date as the Fourth of the Fourth instead of the First of the Fourth. Had it written down in my calendar for a month now and was so sure I had it right, even when the tutor said “good luck on Friday.”

(Here, in New Zealand, it’s the second today and my Polytechnic School’s policy is that late assignments only get 50% mark maximum)

I’m dead inside.
Thanks (mild) Autism brain.


I became a bionicle fan.


A couple weeks ago I was building some shelves in the garage, and I was so caught up in the rhythm of cutting the boards to length, I aligned the saw blade with my finger on the teeth and I just went ahead and started cutting before I pulled my finger away

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That sounds painful

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It hurt my ego the most

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