Escape from Whitegate(RP topic)


“I mean all light in the Multiverse. Anything that produces a radiant glow or is reflected off a surface.” Said Michael.

“What did who do?” Michael asked Sable Warrior.

#####“Raphael you IDIOT. WHAT. DID. YOU. DO?”

“I-i talked to Ayet and said some things to him, and then he started falling apart.” Raphael explained nervously.

The warrior struck him across the face.


“I wanted to give him a long-deserved piece of my mind!” Raphael snapped back.

#####“You utter fool…you’ve doomed this place”


#####“A living sun…no matter how many chains around it is still capable of wanton destruction, Ayet is…”

“Ayet is what?! Spit it out!”

#####“Devastation incarnate. Immortal, All consuming, you can slow it but never stop it. An inevitable tide of fiery death, for the lucky that is.”

“Can’t we just have you and the other two Sealers seal him away again?”

#####“No point…”

“Why not?”

#####“Your defences are clearly inadequate, and considering that you are the one who breached it…no…nothing can be done…”
The warrior stands up and begin to leaves

“But we can’t just kill Ayet either. I’m not going to give up on him.” Said Michael.

#####“Try what you want. I’m leaving.”

“…So you’re just not going to help us at all?”

#####“Not at all. I’m going home.”

Michael sighed, bowing his head.
“Very well.”

#####“Best we can do is choose where to die.”
And with that the sable warrior slowly disappeared