Escape from Whitegate(RP topic)

Watcher takes notes writing down what he sees.

"Given your…expert scientific background, what do you make of this?’ Asked Michael.

“Honestly a few things come to mind, none of them you would like.”

Michael crossed his arms.

“an example could be a Xalnergy hole, which is basically a black hole, but with xalnergy. or I would think Xir’algath are a possibility.”

Michael shook his head.
“No. I would have recognized it if it were any of those. This…is something different. It reminds me of something I haven’t seen in a long time…” he said.
“…have you ever learned of a being named The Shadow King?”

“Do you mean the one we have in this prison, then yes.”

Michael shook his head.
“No, not this prison. The Shadow King was imprisoned long before Whitegate’s construction, in a different prison. A pocket dimension known as Shadow Space.” He explained.

“But this anomaly, it behaves almost exactly as The Shadow King’s darkness. But how can that be if he’s imprisoned? And why now?”

“Given the information that you have given me, I have made the hypothesis that this Shadow King’s prison is only weakening and given that we may have a similar shadow-like being in our own prison…”
Watcher had now pulled up a list of inmates and stopped scrolling once he saw Swordbreaker,
“Perhaps the shadows are one…perhaps I can break him.”
A twisted grind creeps across Watcher’s face,
“That would be fun, so much to learn.”

Before she could reach it, he shot it at the empress

Michael raised an eyebrow, slightly offput by Watcher’s behavior.
“…What’s your plan?” He slowly asked.

Watcher states,
'I am also an interrogator, so I know how to get my information."

Michael thought for a moment

“You promise not to be…too aggressive, right?”

“To a prisoner who is put here for destroying a few planets? No… I wouldn’t be that aggressive.”
His voice was filled with some sarcasm and some truth.

“Just promise not to beat the answers out of him. At least not immediately.” Said Michael, sighing.

Meanwhile, in Swordbreaker’s cell he would hear a voice.
Someone is coming…to interrogate you. Tell them nothing.

A guard kept an especially close eye on X45, suspicious of his activities.

Aqua was called down to the main office of Whitegate.

In Ayet’s cell, he would see a dark, shadowy form start to materialize before him.

“Don’t pay any bother to him.” Zaktra said to Tarkur.
“Come on, let’s find something else to do.”

“That is quite enough!” A guard said, breaking up the fight between Glar and Empress.
“Take her to her cell.” The guard ordered.

A line of plasma shot forth from the cracks

The Shadow dissipated, and the plasma blast would only be met with cruel laughter.
You fool. You cannot destroy the darkness.” the voice whispered to Ayet from seemingly all directions.

Another clatter. Another chip. Another line of plasma

“Urrgh! Fine! But I’m not done with you Michael.” Tarkur said aa he left the room with Zaktra

Zaktra followed.
“What is your problem with this ‘Gamemaster’ anyways? Why are you so mad about him?” He asked.

Tendrils of shadow began snaking around Ayet’s cell.
Do not struggle. Do not resist. I have not come here to harm you. I want to help.