Favorite Obscure Games


It’s… it’s absurd and brilliant and like nothing else.

So this is from the era where fish simulators were the thing, and it starts like you’d expect, and you feed the fish… then money just starts popping out of them for you to collect. :stuck_out_tongue:

Then out of nowhere an intergalactic portal opens in the fishtank and an alien swoops in and eats all your fish. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not nearly recognized enough, seeing as what was originally going to be the sequel to this game morphed during development to become PvZ.



I love that game. I have it on disc somewhere. I had to uninstall it to make room for ARK. (Which I uninstalled because I didn’t care for it.)


Can’t believe nobody said MNOG.


Pokemon ranger (especially the third one). A neat series that not many know about (plus its the only pokemon game I ever completed)

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I guess MNOG doesn’t count as obscure in a site of Bionicle fans. :stuck_out_tongue:

Does Hyper Light Drifter count as obscure? I don’t have my finger on the pulse of video game discussion enough to know whether it’s obscure or just indie. Regardless, it’s a fantastic game, maybe my favorite.


Pac Man Adventures in Time. It’s actually my favorite video game, but nobody really talks about it. It’s basically Pac-Man, but the mazes have actual environments. You can also switch to a close-up, more immersive viewpoint, the ghosts have different appearances based on the environment, and there’s a jump button. The music’s really good too.

Another more well-known one, but still very underrated imo, is Pac Man World 2. It’s a 3D platformer with great environments, gameplay, and music.

Honestly, just Pac-Man games in general, lol. The arcade game is the most popular, and it’s pretty fun, but there are so many games beyond that in the franchise which I think are really underrated.

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ah i do enjoy such strange games as Bionic Granny, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Bubsy 3D, The Adventures of ninja nanny and sherlocch sheltie.

Opinion immediately discarded

I enjoy digging up random crap from old consoles and seeing how they are. (PS1, DS, and recently the psp primarily). The most disappointing has been Rock N’ Roll Racing for the SNES and the best has been Time Hollow for the DS.


Sesame Street fighter. It’s educational too.

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The Ecco the Dolphin series. It involves aliens, atlantis, and time travel. Possibly inspired by 1960s LSD experiments NASA funded in an attempt to communicate with dolphins.

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I’ve actually played that one! it was very cute. the final boss was really out of place though. shudders