Fidget Spinners Discussion

Tried one



but… but ghidora…

why cant we hoverboard and fidget spin together…


That should be turned into an online challenge of holding to fidget spinners and riding a hover board.

Please no

As a selfish demigod said:

“I think what you’re trying to say is thank you”

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The Tahus argue.


You mean

“Yes pls”

Honestly, I feel like Niga Higa’s video on Fidget Spinners is the best way to look at Fidget Spinners.

was at my friend’s place and he has one so i tried it out… imo it’s only cool for like the first 30 seconds


Agreed. I tried my cousin’s spinner, and got bored very fast

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Mata Nui take me away.


Is that the result of the new chemotherapy method

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Who started this trend with the fidget spinners? Why is this a thing all of a sudden? Why this rotating thing…just why?

To be quite honest like everything trendy I BLAME YouTube.

Whats the youtube origin of this trend. What soul started all of this?

I was wrong the people responsible for the craze is Forbes:

Rise in popularity

Google Search popularity of fidget spinners in early 2017.
On December 23, 2016, James Plafke of Forbes published an article describing fidget spinners as the “must-have office toy for 2017.”[4] In late March, users on social media websites such as YouTube and Reddit began uploading videos reviewing and performing tricks with fidget spinners.[6] The Boston Globe reported that fidget toys in general “entered the mainstream” with the related Fidget Cube toy also rising in popularity.[1] Several sellers on Etsy were reported to be creating and selling customized spinner designs.[1]

It’s from Wikipedia.


Forbes you say…well guys we now know where to point our pitchforks and tourches.


Is it yet dead yet? I’m pretty sure the trend is dying. I’ve only seem 0-1 spinners in the past few days… Is it safe to say its over?

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You’re lucky as in my case there’s a camp that my sister is in that everyone can borrow a fidget spinner from the camp itself.


It’s almost over

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