Finish the sentence 2

Prevent a monopoly, which almost…

Happened with Youtube, but…

Youtube fell with the strangling of Logan Paul, as we discussed earlier, so instead…

TTV became the top channel on its replacement, leading to…


an influx of new members joining the boards, as well as [joke relating to the podcast here], which prompted…

Him to go into cardiac arrest and then go into a coma…

but he woke up soon afterward, which surprised him so much that

Exactly what I was thinking

he jumped up and split in half…

Reviving this topic and…

falling off of a cliff into the arms of a landshark.

Who turned out to be a squirrel shark who’s evil plot was to

Usurp the current leadership of…

Soviet russia. But he couldn’t because

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because @EmperorDuckie ended the sentence

Because the Soviet Union had long since been dissolved, therefore…

He was going through an existential crisis in which…

He hallucinated that Stalin was giving him a massage.

He then (in the halucination) took a banana and stuffed it up Stalin’s nose, who

gave him some food coupons so he could replace the banana and

He bought quesadillas for him and all his friends only to realize…

that quesadillas aren’t Russian which brought him out of his hallucination only for him to find