Finish the sentence

And a little bit of baby’s powder

He then proceeded to kick me

In the left arm, which hurt, so I decided to

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Grab a laser rifle and shoot of his pinky toe, as I yelled

“DEUS VULT!”, which angered him greatly

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He responded by telling PIBKY TOE YOU SHALL BE AVENGED! Before he

Pulled out his battle axe

which was actually made of foam because he got it from

A toys’r’us that was

nearby, and while he was there, he stole

An Umarak set, because why not, and headed for

the door, but was stopped by an employee who

Was desperate for a premotion, and

Wanted to stop the man who stop the set by

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Throwing a rock at him, which resulted in

The death of Ghengis Khan and

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Then the Asian continent disappearing

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Into a wormhole, but then Godzilla

Open the time gate and undid the Asia’s fall. However this caused great distress in @Political_Slime because

He did not like the shape of Asia, and wanted it to be more of a rectangle so he