Future of Bionicle

After you won’t work for Lego anymore, will you post “fanfics” on how you would imagine a continuation? Or maybe give us an idea how you would connect both generations


Greg has said he’s too busy to write any more bionicle stuff on his own. He’s also said that G1 and G2 are not connected.

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Well its good to hear he’s still getting work. Having read a large number of Bionicle novel’s myself, I can say he’s a fantastic writer, weather its Bionicle or not.

As for Greg continuing Bionicle, I think that would be a bit much to ask of him. Keep in mind this is just what I think.

One thing that I know is common in writers and artists in general, is that a lot of people don’t want to work on the same thing too long. Greg wrote for Bionicle for roughly ten years. While he did get to write the serials, which seem to be more personal side stories that weren’t mandated by Lego,I could easily imagine Greg being tired of writing Bionicle after so long, and wanting to peruse other stories.


The major hurdle in your question is that I have no plans to leave LEGO Company, and as long as I am working here, I can’t write fanfics.

As for connecting G1 and G2, you can pretty much fit my knowledge of G2 in a thimble, so I doubt I could give a good answer on that.