G3 Set Concept: Vorahks Devourer

@Toa4HireThanksfor your comment, since I saw these spike pieces, I knew that I wanted to add them for the rahkshi-style

@ToaKhrazix I can totally understand that you don’t like the vehicle as much, because it doesn’t have this typicall bionicle feeling to it, but I when I buit it, I thought, that LEGO would want to do some vehicle sets (and I honestly think they are important for the success of a LEGO line, because kids really enjoy them), so I tried how I can do a vehicle, while keeping the BIONICLE style, which I tried to do with the Rahkshi-look and the CCBS construction.

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New from BIONICLE! Epic rolling action!

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This should definetely be on the box^^ Such a funny quote

love this would totally buy it for Onua though 1 thing wrong and no I’ve given up on henchmen in year 1 except occasional hostile rahi but anyway my complaint is Vorhak’s car
needs some guns maybe 6 shot spinning stud shooter weapons on the sides or somthing

I thougt about adding stud shooters, but I decided it would be more fitting if the vehicle looks less hi-tech, but features the skelleton aestetics and the “eating-function” more prominently, becaue it is more fitting with Vorahks attribute: Hunger.
A shooting function I think would work better with Kuhrahks or Panrahks attribute (anger or fragmentation)