Gahkahn: Spirit of Okoto

Doesn’t remind me of Deity of Light at all.

This is awesome, I love the aesthetic.

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So is Steampunk Tahu no longer your Self MOC? Or is this just a G2 Self MOC? Could you put them side-by-side?

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No, I’ve made a self moc for G1, G2, and Hero Factory. But Steampunk Tahu is my self moc now and forever. And I will post a pic of them together when I put up the updated version of Gahkahn.

I like bulkyness of it. And the pic quality is very good. I am not a huge fan of the belly hose though. In battle it looks like it would be a huge vulnerability. Like if it was pierced, all his guts would come pouring out. For a character that’s so well armored, it kind of contrasts with the rest of the build.

@Otaatop and @SteampunkTahu Custom feet very rarely look good, imo. Especially when the rest of the build is CCBS. In a very greebled, technic sort of build they can work. But why reinvent the wheel when Lego’s feet fit so well with CCBS?

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Thanks for the feedback, I’ll take the hose into accoun. I always viewed it as a belt, but I agree, I could put something in front of it.

Ohhhh, it was meant to be a belt. Ok that makes a bit more sense. But it doesn’t wrap all the way around the back, does it? It looks like it just loops in the belly area.

Nope, goes all the way wround, it just loops through a peice of armor.

Really digging the samurai vibe. The feet seem a bit odd but they do fit with the other ccbs

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