Game: Ad-Libbing!

crap happened, However, ______

EDIT:kanohipakari had three posts in between these that he deleted, making it as if I double posted. :expressionless:

@kanohipakari gets the Mod_Hammer applied to his face when the mods find that he is not only double posting, but triple posting as well.

Then, _______

the ban was complete, and @miraculousprime vanished from the Boards for eternity.


A new suddenly appeared!

Suddenly, ____________

The word suddenly was banned from existence.

In reaction to this, ______

A squid suddenly jumped out of the pit!

Then, _____________

it died. However,

It laid an egg before it died.

It was a ______ egg.

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Yoshi egg.

Yoshi found out about this and ______________

Decided to take it for itself.

Unfortunately, _________.

The egg split open, and a giant duck popped out.

It ate yoshi and ________



The duck blasted Bowser @Seto_Kaiba to infinity with one massive-*** hit.

Then he _________.

suddenly said β€œSuddenly!” as a giant Suddenly suddenly flew in and suddenly smashed the duck.

Suddenly, ______


Suddenly suddenly fell down a hole.

The duck then __________.

Made a cameo at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy.

xXxKY0RYU_Y0L0xXx reappeared, became a Titan, and ate ___

Suddenly, who was trapped inside the hole.

xXxKY0RYU_Y0L0xXx then proceeded to ____________.

Return to his MLG Kyoryuger form and join his clanmates.

Kyoryu puked out Suddenly because ___


he saw himself in the mirror

kyoryu proceded to dispand his clan, and legally changed his name to ______



He proceeded to star in his own feature film titled: ___________.

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Life of kyoryu: my failures and sucesses

Shadezy decided to star in the movie as kyoryus best friend, the _____