GAME: Crushing Hopes and Dreams

I wish I had endless money.

Granted, but you can’t spend it

I wish I was a Cylon

Granted but it was misheard and you are now a crayon

I wish I didn’t have to take the SAT on Tuesday

Wished granted, but you take the SAT on Saturday.

I wished for Dark Energon!

Granted, but you get dark matter with it as well. Like a lot of it.

I wish for the ability to travel into and out of fictional stories.

Granted, but you can only travel in and out of bad fanfiction.

I wish for pineapples.

Granted, but you also had a tiki head, a rock, a bucket, & a lobster trap.

I wished Var become a Muppet!

Granted but then Meso becomes Ms Piggy.

I wish I had friends.

Granted, they are also all clones.

I wish my Bohrok would actually clean my house.

granted but they become kawaii anime maids

I wish that I can learn to play the guitar

Not seeing the downside here…

Granted, but like most people who try to learn the guitar you only learn to play smoke on the water and the quit.

I wish my voice would come back already.

yeah the anime cliche that they all love you
and will fight one another to be with you
have fun with that

surprisingly I am trying to do Wonderwall by Oasis or Skyscrapers by OK GO

Granted, but you speak in reverse and only in reverse.

I wish my pens would never run out of ink.

Granted, but the guy that says he’ll give them back at the end of the day… doesn’t.

I wish I was good at socializing.

I can see that being interesting…

putting dead bohrok back together, yum :yum:

Granted, but you become bad at everything else.

I wish for Bohrok

Granted but they turn you house into none because they clean a lot!

I wish for Eljay in a Bikini!

Granted but when you see it you want to burn the image out of your brain but no matter how much you try the image will not be forgotten.

I wish to stop hating myself.

Granted but you have to hang the image of Eljay in a bikini on your wall
I wish it was WW3

Granted but it’s a cheap movie named WW3 rather than the real thing because thats a terrible thing to want.

I wish I was ready for Tests tomorrow.

Granted but your so nervous you forget all the answers.
I wish ttv makes more music parodies.