GAME: Crushing Hopes and Dreams

Granted, but you have to buy a new phone that has full percentage to get it

I wish I was good at impressions of people.

Granted, but you now sound like Frank Oz.

I wish I could play The Legend of Mata Nui.

Granted but then it turns out to be a buggy unplayable mess, and when you’re right about to quit it suddenly sucks you in (like in jumanji or Tron), and now you have to fight your way out yourself.

I wish I was good at life.


granted but your life was cut short by a tragic papercut incident

I wish I didn’t have to take British Literature

granted but now its japanese literature

i wish i owned all of the bionicle g1 sets

Granted, but every single one of them is incomplete and/or broken.

I wish I could make a movie.

Granted, but it’s The Emoji Movie 5: Emojis vs. Memes.

I wish I didn’t have back pain.

granted, but how you have finger pain

I wish my iPod nano had more the 16 GB of space on it

Granted, but the screens heavily cracked and the earphone port is busted.

I wish it was easier to make stop-motion videos.

Granted, but even though they are super easy to make, it takes a looooong time to make them.

I wish I could have gone to toy fair 2018.

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(Ok, I just have to say you described my personality/work ethic perfectly with that!)

You can, but everything’s been sold out and it’s the final day.

I wish I had a (much) higher work ethic.

Granted, but it gets so much higher you think your better than everyone and people hate you.


I wish I could win a game of fortnite

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Granted, but the servers are shut down moments later.
I wish I was always sick

You are, but not how you think. You’re lovesick over someone who will never reciprocate your feelings.

I wish we could finally find a way to gain access to other multiverses.

Granted, but you get cut in half trying to get to a universe

i wish battlefront 2 would add clone wars content

You know, I could totally live with that, so long as said universe was one that had operations for that.

Granted but it’s over priced DLC and over powered as well.

I wish I could get a copy of MvC 2 for PS2 without spending $65 or more.

Granted, but the game is scratched and ends up blowing up in your PS2. Also, it costs $64.64.

I wish I could do all of my schoolwork in an hour.

Granted, however it was all lost the next day.