Game: how to win Life

Step 1121: stop posting unoriginal steps

Step 1122: Let other people do what they want YO!

Step 1123: Torch your own house.

Step 1124: Buy a Titans Returns Gnaw because this thing is friggen awesome!

(Unless you don’t like Transformers. That’s okay)

Step 1124.1: Ahem, buy Gnaw at a affordable price. Because triple the MSRP is not “friggin awesome.”

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Step 1125: Dab if you cringed everytime you read this

Step 1126: numb your left hand then stick small metal rods underneath your nails for every time you’ve dabbed.

1127: Jump out of a window and into your helicopter to save yourself from that

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1128: Do 100 situps, 100 pushups, and 100 squats. Then a 10K RUN EVERY SINGLE DAY! `

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Step 1129: hire someone to do step 1128 for you. (And while he is at it just have him do the entire list for you.)

Step 1130: get triggered that post count is different than the step number.

Step 1131: Fix it

Step 1132: repeat step 1126 for every time you’ve been “triggered”.

Step 1133: People can do what they want, mkay?

Step 1134: Start a revolution and found your own nation.

Step 1135: Defeat Ganon and obtain the triforce, thus becoming king of hyrule

Step 1136: Don’t revive this topic

Step 1137: Do it anyway because (fwee) the police.

Step 1138: Use blood rituals to get good CCBS sets.

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Step 1139: Paint your parts and become a heretic.

Step 1140: Buy $99.99 worth of galidor sets so that everyone will pity you