Game: how to win Life

Step 1221: Destroy a famous work of art

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Step 1222: Revive a decade old meme.

(Warning for mild swearing)

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Step 1223:
Get the new Lego Club magazine

Or should I say… LEGO LIFE MAGAZINE?!

Seriously they renamed it to that


Step 1224: Become a professional arsonist.

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Step 1225: Join Count Olaf’s acting troupe

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Steep 1226: Become a flying bowl of gool

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Step 1227: Live in a pineapple under the sea.

Step 1228: Create a million dollar sci-fi franchise revolving around a bakery overrun with termites

Step 1229: correct MP that it’s even older than that.

The meme is from 90s gaming WOW just revived it.

Step 1300: Eat a few ghost peppers

Step 1301: Burn down a telephone booth.

Step 1302: Reflect on life’s disappointments.

$tep 1302: U$e dollar $ign$ in$tead of the letter “s”.

$tep 1234: correct the $pace time continuum.


Step 1235: stop using the dollar sign since it is like those people who use the :b: Emoji to replace words

Step 1236: meet :b:eter from famiry gui

Step 1237: Seek the holy grail

Step 1238: destroy the holy grail

Step 1239: adopt a puppy.

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Step 1240: Steal the finger of St. Thomas.