GBWC: Sunrise of the New Champion (RP Topic)

Sazabi flew to the side, dodging she fired her beam magnum at the nearest MS.

Gerald blocked and slashed again.

The MS got shot down but there were still four more as they charged towards Sazabi.

The MS got slashed leaving only 3 more, they started to run in circles at the Astray surrounding it as they fired.

Sazabi pulled out her beam tomahawks and slashed at 2 of them.

Gerald spun in a circle, slashing at all of the gundams.

The tour were destroyed while the other two swung their beam sabers at Sazabi’s shoulders.

He destroyed them all.

Sazabi rolled and dodged, firing at them with her beam magnum.

Gerald pumped his fist, cheering.

They dodged and slashed again at Sazabi.

“Gerald huh,” Logan said. “I’m looking forward into having a rematch with you.”

Sazabi dodged again and slashed with her beam tomahawk.

Gerald moved on, looking for more opponents.

Her slash would destroy them both.

He would have to search harder.

Lacey wiped some sweat from her forehead.
“Not bad. I’m getting there.”

Logan smirked. “Interesting.” he looks over. “Is he ready?”

“Nope not yet.” Ryan said.

Logan dropped his smile.

Gerald looked around for more enemies.
“I nees 8 more kills…”

John watches the match, smiling
“Enjoying it?” Eugene asks
“Yeah, Barbatos is pretty cool!” John smirks “I feel like trash!”
“Don’t worry, I work with Wayne and you know what that’s like…”

Fire and Forget used the beam rifle to cleave apart the Gunpla and ensured their destruction through the liberal application of missiles.

Wayne tinkers with grandpa, planning an attack

He found 8 enemies as they speeded towards the Astray 2 times fasters.

Since Lacey had 50 points a message appeared in her HUD telling her that she has 50 Points and now she could leave the battlefield and choose another member from her team into the second round.

It ensured their destructions destroying them all.

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Lacey chose Harvey without hesitation.

Gerald grinned. “Just my luck.” He sped towards them and slashed at them.

Johnathan watched, eagerly eating popcorn at the sight

Logan looked at her from the distance.

“Okay, he is ready,” Ryan said. “Though, you should really start to take your Grandfather’s improvements into consideration,” he suggested.

“Yeah as if I can understand what he meant by his old sayings,” Logan said.

They would doge it and slash at him back.

Lacey walked last Logan, glancing at him.

Gerald chuckled. “Can’t beat me that easily.” He slashed again, this time slashing quicker.

Ryan notices her he smirks. “This oughta be fun.” he mutters quietly.

Logan realized something was off by Ryan’s expression he turns his back and sees Lacey, he said nothing.

He would destroy one but the others slashed at him at the same time as they fired.