Hahli, Angel of the oceans

As I said on Flickr is a big improvement over the original.
Everything flows very nicely and looks very natural.
Good job.

Oh my Nui those wings, a fantastic moc dude, the hair and wigs are blowing my mind. The only issues I have are small nitpicks like the shoulders. But wow, those wings…

Takes notes

Even if it’s more streamlined and organized, the clutter and messy layering of the original worked better, and accentuated the actual size or the wings. These new wings are just lackluster by comparison. The whole moc looks like a ripoff of the original.

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Man, the old version was cool, but this blows it out of the water (No pun intended)! It’s really streamlined (which could also be seen as a pun incidentally). Great job!

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The original were just huge chunks of random blades. Sure these wings aren’t as big, but they look a lot better and their shape is also a lot more effective as actual wings. I definitely prefer this new one.

Not to mention this one is structured much more like the actually bone structure of a bird’s wing, whereas the original, while still having some structure put in didn’t resemble how a wing is built at all.

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Man this is one is great! Good job on slimming the wings down and still making them look great

This is an Awesome revamp of the original, all of the issues I had with it have been completely remove.

The wings don’t look as messy, the Moc actually looks feminine, and overall looks a lot more clean.

Woah, that’s amazing, no complaints here.

I have not known love before now.

And now I have more motivation to show up this year.

In all seriousness, I love this so much. I’m going to skip critical analysis since everyone else has pretty much said what needs to be said and simply say that it looks stunning. Is it too much to ask for the rest of the Mahri? :smile:

Amazing job. Keep up the good work!

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It looks so much more streamlined, MOC definitely deserves the title “Angel of the Oceans.”
Amazing work!

I’m lost for words, I truly am… It’s magnificent… Do you have any plans for the rest of the mahri? Im dying to see what you could do for them! (especially kongu, the poor soul).

I rate tenouttaten

I’ll probably make the rest of them at some point, but not anytime soon. Once I can think of something interesting to do with their character design I’ll go for it.


I remember you doing a Jaller in this style

Looks almost like a predator with those dreads

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looking back on some older topics, this is honestly one of my favourite mocs i have ever seen
amazing work mate

I really gotta know how you did that hair my dude. She looks incredible

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