Halo:Demons in the Night RP

A slithering sound could be heard as something passed through Deacons Leg, vanishing into the fog.

“A snake? Or a tentacle?” Catina asked out loud.

Deacon didn’t feel it because he’s in his armor “what?” He asked confused

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“What are you talking…” Blair stared in horror as a large snake like flood began wrapping around Deacon, it squeezed tightly constricting him as it shrieked, its mouth opened up to show a few razor sharp teeth as tentacles popped out out it


Catina raised her shotgun, and fired a round right into side of the Flood Snake’s head. “Sorry it ruined another chance for the two of you to ■■■■ on me and say I’m stupid.” She said to Blair and Deacon, quite snarky.

The shotgun round barely affects it as it releases from Deacon and slithers to safety.

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“Holy F*ck” Deacon said as he fell to the ground and in a panicked matter got back up

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Blair looked around at the ground. “WE NEED TO FIND AN EXIT NOW!”

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“I second, third, and fourth that!” Deacon half shouted picking his weapon back up

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The weapon was covered in a yellow greenish ooze as it began to slowly eat through the metal of the gun.

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“d*mn” Deacon let go of the BR and pulled off his assault rifle “it spits acid apparently…”

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“Shut up and let’s just leave now.” Blair said walking around desperate to find a exit as the snakes screech could be heard again.

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“I agree… Let’s get out of here quick” Kiana said looking for an exit

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“The good new is, it hates the taste of buckshot, and no doubt anyhting even more powerful than a shotgun.” Catina said.

“right… If only… We had something plasmatic…” Deacon said

“We’re probably gonna need a lot more then Pl-OOC!” Due not being able to see through the fog she ran into a door and fell on her back. “Found something.”

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Deacn and kiana met up with her “you okay?” Deacon asked

“Yeah I’m fine, found the exit.”

Deacon helped her up “then let’s move”