Halo: Into the Howling Dark V

As there’s no possibly way kyanna and beth could keep up with the rest of the group and would probably die. Kiana grabbed the both of them and used her jet pack to fly the both of them. Their combined weight put stress on the machine, causing i to be slower than usual, and she was very low to the ground.

Leygall still being cloaked was able to make his way with the group, while remaining out of the spotlight


“I’ll take Kyanna.” Leo told Kiana as he ran beside them.

Sarah ran with Grace as fast as she could. Samuel was right behind them.

Ana had panicked and stayed behind.


The group made it to the wall of the structure.
Alex looked around “which of the Sangheili was supposed to be a explosive expert”


“That would be him.” Blake said pointing to Nos. “Also, I was doing was I trained to do.” He said scoffing at Sky. I see the dumb b#tch lived. Shame, maybe I’ll have Jäger, Mistake her for a Target. Heh, that’s be fun to watch. he thought glancing over at Aries.


“what the sniper said” Leygall said uncloaking… as he reached into his bag of spider charges. He examined the area for a moment “stand there” he said pointing to a large body of rocks about twenty feet away. He placed the charges on the wall and moved to the location


Alex followed


Leo and the twins went to the rocks.
“Aren’t we missing someone?” Samuel asked.
[I think we’re missing Ana.] Sarah signed.


Once the group had made it to the safe point leygall cloaked once again and he detonated the charges.


Alex began to run towards the smouldering hole in the large structure.
As he entered he was surprised to meet no real resistance “Acheron which way is Cabis”
Acheron took a moment to take in his surrounding and began to walk down a hall “this way” the elite said as he walked.
Alex look to daylight then back to Acheron, he began to follow


“Shall we go Ana?” Catina asked. “I have a bubble shield after all, it should make it less likely we’d get dropped by those turrets and left behind. And what’s your armor ability, if you have one?”

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“I-I have a b-bubble shield…” Ana said nervously.


“What luck. Our chances of making it across that target range where we are the targets just doubled.” Catina said. “So when we run, and alas we have to run, will you deploy your shield first?”

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Alex stopped and looked out the hole Leygall had made "are the stragglers going to hurry up already. They are only lowering there survival chances "


“Y-yes…” Ana nodded nervously.

“I hope so.” Leo said.


“Ok, you can do this. I beleive in you Ana.” Catina said to reassure her.

“We make a break for it, and deploy your shield when you hear the turrets start firing. On three. One…two…three!” Catina said as she took off running, and kept an eye on Ana running beside her.

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Ana kept her pace with Catina, when she heard the turrets she dropped her shield, but it was too late as she took a shot on her upper arm.
She fell down and held her hand where she had been shot.


“Sh*t!” Catina said as she suddenly slid on her hand and the sides of her feet to stop running asap, then bolted back into Ana’s bubble shield, and without saying a word slung Ana over her left shoulder, then ran diagonally out the left side of Ana’s bubble shield as it started turning red and was about to break under the fire from those turrets.

Catina immediately activated her shield and began changing direction as she ran towards the wall, close to the hole that had been blown in it. She took three plasma rounds herself, two to the shoulder and one to the side that almost threw her off balance, and had left her with a sliver of her shields when they reached the wall.

“Let’s get you inside to Kaitlynn” Catina said as she sidestepped towards the opening, with Ana still slung over her shoulder.

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“You guys good?” Alex looked down the hall Acheron was walking down “we need to get moving, i dont like how empty this place is”


“My siii…Ana’s wounded, I only took shield damage.” Catina told Alex.

“Kaitlynn, you’re needed here. Ana’s been hit.” Catina said to Kaitlynn over the coms.

Catina slowly sat Ana down on the floor. “Kaitlynn should be on her way. You’ll be fine.” Catina told her.

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“Thanks…” Ana said as she kept her hand on the wound. “I got hit hard…”