Halo: Into the Howling Dark V

“You’re still on my team.” Sky said.

“I cannot accept that.”

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Leo got to the front of the line. He quickly talked to the person in charge.
“Okay… take a seat. We will all you in 15 minutes.” He responded.
Leo nodded and took a seat.


“Where will you go then? What are you gonna do?” Sky asked.

“All patched up.” Joanna said as she finished. Exhausted, she collapsed into a chair.


“Spetz!” Grace helped him fight off the others.

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“Thank you.” Catina said. “What is that staff anyway? That, and I never even got your name.”

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“I’m Joanna. You’re on Blake’s team, right?” She asked.

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“Nice to meet you.” Catina said as she stood. “And I was on Blake’s team. The original team was split recently. But for the most part, being here works for us. And this station may be fixed up a little thanks to the Huragoks we rescued from that disabled cruiser.”

“If you’ll excuse me for one second.” Catina told Joanna, as she sent Aries a Data Pad message. “Any word from Ana and Mariana? We might all get to meet up for that round of drinks at least.”

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“I went to her room and I think it’s enough to say I might throw up. She probably won’t be coming with us, but definitely for Butch.” Aries said over private comm to Cat. “I hope they are too old for you to get a brother.”


“I’d never want to see or hear that, I’ll admit.” Catina replied. “But insulting my Mom, especially like you and I were insulted by that dumb beast in the Library? If anyone else besides you said that, I’d force them to eat their Data Pad.”

“Sorry about that,” Catina replied to Joanna. “I had to tend to some personal business. And if you’re not too busy, with well, anything. May I ask about Highland Station, and how it fell into this state of disrepair?”

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Kaitlynn had a cup in her hand, as she took a sip walking around the sip, she felt tired, and sleep felt like a bad option to her right now, she pinched her nose, as she heard someone walk behind her, she turned to see Blake with Josh and turned to face them.

“You look like Schiesse.” Blake said, as she cracked a smile.

“Really? I thought I looked like a beauty pageant model.” She said calmly, showing a smile, as she imagined throwing the coffee in his face, if he didn’t have Josh or if she had the guts too, but then again she had beaten him with a helmet, so it wouldn’t shock her if she did.

“Where’s Joanna?” She asked him, stirring her coffee and taking another sip.

“In the med bay, she had to do something. I didn’t bother to ask why…You should see about helping in the med bay, it’d give you something to do.” He suggested as she sighed. “Already tried, said they didn’t help.” Blake looked at her a for a second. “Maybe I can get Joanna to help you get in.”

She perked her head up, and smiled. “Good give me something to do, I’m sick of sitting in my room and doing nothing, Oh! speaking of, I got something for Josh, it’s taken me almost a year to get done, If i had easy access to the stuff I needed for it I could have had it done within a month.” She then lead Blake and Josh back to her room, as the door opened, the small dent where Kaitlynn banged her head in could be soon next to her desk. “Ignore that.” She told him, as Blake saw a few hard liquor bottles lying on her desk, all empty.

“Kaitlynn…” He tried to speak up as Kaitlynn ignored him and had something behind her back, only to soon reveal a small hand made stuffed doll. “What is that?” Blake asked taking it, looking back to the bottles.

"It’s kind of like a teddy bear, but it’s suppose to look like a spartan, you more specifically. Just so when Josh gets older and you’re not around, you’ll still be with him, you have no idea how hard it was to find dye on this freaking ship. "

The Doll was stitched neatly, but barely stuffed, Blake could tell it was made from old pillows and blankets that were no longer used, the cloth was dyed Red and White and black ink outlined the armor and VISR. Blake didn’t know what to say to the gift, but he let a smile out. “Wow…thanks sis. Can’t believe you bothered to do this.”

“Well, there aren’t any toys on the ship, unless you count guns that are disabled and unloaded, but Josh has to have something to play with and have at least one good childhood memory.” She said rubbing his cheek and smiling at him. They didn’t say a word to each other as they both looked at Josh and Blake gave him the doll.

Kaitlynn took a deep breath. “I still wanna beat you’re f*cking skull in sometimes.” She said happily, as Blakes eyes widen and looked at her. “Well, thanks for ruining the precious moment we were just having.”

She giggled and didn’t make eye contact.


Leo was taken into a room and sat on a bed.
“How many years have you not had your lower arm?” The doctor asked.
“Around a decade…” Leo answered.
“I assume you had a robotic arm…” the doctor said looking at what metal was left on his arm. “Why didn’t you try to get it replaced?”
“Cost… time… it seemed like a pointless way to spend my money…” Leo sighed.

Athena cleaned the room up, she picked up the metal shards and parts from the destroyed arm. She placed them all in a small box. She realized that box was full notes, pictures and items from Leo’s time before he joined the UNSC. A few pictures of him and his adopted siblings, a picture of him and sky as kids, a small figure, a stack of trading cards, a bloody piece of an old T-■■■■■, and a piece of an old blanket with other small things here and there. She smiled as she closed the box and put it away.
She pulled another one out, one that had things from the moment he met Daylight, she looked through the contents and smiled.
Finally she found a nearly empty box, she opened it to see it had a piece of his old armor and picture of gahlogali as they left.
“So he keeps things that remind him of certain time in these boxes… everytime his life changes drastically he fills another one…” Athena said as she sat down on the bed.
She wrote a long message to all of Daylight that ended with simply. “If any of you see Kyanna, give her space and do not bother her, I ask that from all of you, she needs time alone.” She sent it that to all of Daylight except for Kyanna and Leo.

Sarah woke up hours later and sat up. “Hey Tom…”

“Scarlett, Sky will cooperate if you cooperate with her.” Ana said.


Catina heard the notification on her Data Pad, and she read Athena’s message. Way ahead of you. Catina thought.

Then she went back to expecting more of Aries saying “Nope!” to them being married on Highland Station, when they were there and could be married on Highland Station. And more of Aries trash talking Catina’s Mom.

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“I am just saying I didn’t want to see old people fcking when I went up there." Aries said. "I think Mariana is beautiful for her age but god dmn I don’t want to see that unless it’s me and you.”

“Understaffed, most of us are ready for war, not the regular stuff.” Joanna said.

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“Hold him for a sec.” Blake said as Kaitlynn took Josh and the doll and Blake took Kaitlynn datapad, to see it’s screen was cracked. “Uhhh…Kait.” He said showing her the datapad.

“Oh, I dropped it.” was her excuse as Blake raised an eyebrow. “Uh, ok. Let me go get mine.” He said leaving as Kaitlynn sighed and tickled Josh stomach and smiled. “Don’t let life devour you alive like it did me.” She whispered to Josh kissing his forehead and trying not to cry. “You might not have the best start in life, but you had it better than us…you have your parents with you, who love you.” She said, as Blake soon came back and she went quiet.

“What are you doing?” She asked. “Gonna take a picture to send to Joanna, thought she’d find it adorable.” He said taking the pic and sending it.


“That’s why I wanted to repeat stealing some Huragoks from that disabled cruiser, and succeeded.” Catina said to Joanna. “They no doubt began creating more of themselves from scrapped materials, and repairing the station. And watching them forcibly steal and repair damaged Mjolnir from Spartans, will never stop being funny.”

Catina sent Aries a reply. “I apologise. I might be disappointed about you not wanting to get married here and now on Highland Station, but would rather wait for IF we go back to Gahlogali. And I fail to see a suitable place for our marriage there. Borli Keep…covie supporters. Among The Black Moons. Or worst of all, Sutov Keep…where I would be expected to grovel and beg for forgiveness first. That would ruin our whole day for me…and probably encourage my unhealthy urge to kill Vakam.”

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“Awwww!” Joanna replied. “How is our baby doing?” She asked.

“Good job, Mrs. Catina.” Joanna chuckled.

“Is that what this is about? I’m sorry… I thought you’d like it better.” Aries sighed.

“Hi.” Tom said, hugging Sarah closer.

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He’s doing so fine so far. he responded, before looking at the doll again.

“So it’s an augmented Teddy Bear then?” Blake asked, as Kailtynn softly giggled. “Yeah I guess it is. Either way Josh seems to love it. But then again if I gave him keys he’d think it’d be the holy grail of toys.”


Leo answered a few questions and was asked to wait outside again.

Sarah smiled and hugged the two tightly. She saw Mary was hugging the stuffed animal rabbit. Melanie was sleeping beside the bed.

Athena continued cleaning and organizing the room.


“I would like to have our wedding there, if we visit that planet again.” Catina replied. “But we would also have to take everyone’s safety into account. And Gahlogali has no shortage of danger, I’m sorry to say.”

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They called Leo back into one of the rooms. They took a blood and tissue sample.
“This should take a couple of hours. Just wait here.” The doctor said as he left.
Leo nodded and sat there in silence. He reached for a notebook and pen, he began to write what was on his mind.

Athena moved the metal parts of the hand into the empty box, “it fits better here…” she said to herself as she continued to clean the room.

Ana waited for Scarlett to answer.