Hero Factory Mafia III: Counterattack

Landing gear for a personal shuttle can’t be too tall. Like, maybe a foot tall. Unless it’s like, a excessively excess landing gear setup


My bio in this says I, ( Zar Inika), am surprisingly strong for my stature. therefore, I’m small, right?

Now, the Mafia lifted this thing above his head, and smashed the villan with it. I’m small, so if I had lifted this up, it would either not be far from the ground, or it would lean way forward, or backward. If it had leaned forward, the villan would have only seen the ship looming towards him. If it had leaned backwards, my full body would have been completely revealed to this villan. Now, Sonic is able to use his whip to slice off the nose of this plane. Therefore, I couldn’t have leaned backwards, because it would be too high in the air for him to slice the nose off, and he would have seen more than a shadowy figure. And if I had let it lean forwards, it would be really close to the ground, and would be easy for me to tip over, not smash him. If Sonic has launched his whip out at the plane, he would have wanted to cut through the whole thing originally.

Now, remember, “the bulk of the craft FELL DOWN TOWARDS HIM.” if I had held this forwards, it couldn’t have fallen on him, because the front o the plane would be very near the ground. If I had held it backwards, the nose would be reeeeeally high in the air, and hard for him to cut, and he would have been able to fully see me. If I had held it right above me, it would only be a little taller than the normal person, and unless Sonic was very short, it would probably be around the height of his head or so, since I am very small. Also, he couldn’t see anything of me at all, not even a shadowy figure, because the ship would look like a huge mushroom cap with an unseemly tiny stalk (which would be me.). Therefore, i could not have performed this feat.

I have school now, I’ll post more this afternoon.


…except for the fact that Sonic Whip didn’t notice anything until the ship was nearly on top of him.

@ColdGoldLazarus, in addition to Green’s question, how large was the shuttle?


About a meter, maybe slightly more.

Thunk is pretty large, but more width-wise than height-wise. Time is tall but not as bulky, while Not A Mafioso and Zar Inika are only slightly larger than a particularly beefy Hero.

He doesn’t carry around a whole clock tower, just the clock face section from it, and some of the attached gears.

Slightly larger than a school bus, I’d say.


Interesting. I’m going to refrain from voting right now, but my suspicions lie towards Zar Inika.

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OH MY GOSH! I believe @Ekorak has bestowed his luck onto me, seeing as how this is the third game in a row that I’ve died first. -_-

Thanks for ruining my fun for your own greedy sakes… To think I was hype for this. Guess I can’t have my cake and eat it too.


Does someone have a grudge against you?


I like to believe it is because I’m infamous for my mafia skills, or at least because I’m a veteran of boards mafia.


Probably this


@ColdGoldLazarus where was Zar Inika when he was found after the murder?


Each of the suspects wandered into the main hall between the time of the murder and when Sonic Whip’s body was found, so it’s hard to tell where exactly they were - just that they were gone.


Just as I thought. More on this later, I’m in school.

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Strong, yes, but strong enought to hold “Sonic’s” shuttle? Not too sure about that. His size might make it easier for him to sneak around a bit better than the others, though.

Seems like an obvious pick, especially since his size and build would make the action more than possible.


Again, an extremely possible pick from his feats of strength, but his height leads me to question why Sonic Whip couldn’t see him, even with a short glance.

Not going to vote too soon, but I’m leaning towards Zar Inika and Time.


Of course I won’t vote for myself.

These two are possibilities. I will meditate more on this.

He’s right out.


Guys I think there’s a huge difference between the weight of a clock tower clock and a bloody shuttle. Even so, the shuttle was lifted over the head - that’s a much bigger feat than a clock.

From reading everyone elses case, I wanna say it’s zar as well, but I should probably not make huge thoughts while in a chem class. I’ll be back later.

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Dude, you’re really good at mafia.
Take first night kills as a compliment.
(I did)


yess yesss feel the pain



I’m going out on a whim and voting: my vote is @Leoxandar.

Well, @Leoxandar is a [quote=“ColdGoldLazarus, post:56, topic:29100”]
gorilla of a robot

, and since I’m Zu Keepr, I hate gorrilas.
So I’m considering voting for him.
I may hold off for a bit.


Given that none of that information was given beforehand, I’m going to disregard it as evidence.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Probably your best argument yet, but still not enough to convince me.

I vote for @MataNuiNuva/Zar Inika.