Hilariously Bad Advertisements

Volkswagen has reportedly had some major slip ups. The only one I’ve personally seen said “from Berlin to Warsaw in one tank” but I’ve heard of one that seems to be quite racist lol

*horrified screams intensifies *

Edit: so I legit just left this topic and I was scrolling through posts and…

I don’t know what it is about it that made me choke on the water I was drinking, maybe it was the timing, the extremely long limbs, the fact that ezio is just chilling with Superman even though I’m fairly sure he’s a criminal or the fact that Superman and Batman are who they say they aren’t, if you look closely at their chests…you see that…THATS RIGHT IT’S NATMAN AND CUPERMAN! Those dastardly imposters. Maybe they’re in league with ezio. Then there’s Iron man’s forehead just look at it!


One of the sad things about having adblock is missing out on stuff like this. Sure, most ads are annoying, boring, and make you hate the item more, but then you get gems like this every so often:
dirty pool


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