Hour of Heroes - Signups (OOC Topic)

She can’t take chances here. Whoever caused those explosives was able to trigger two within a couple seconds, and a third in the middle of the square. She needs to make sure that Bracer lays low as soon as possible or he just may find his head a little… Missing.

I thought we were talking about Vladin, seeing that you said that you don’t include basics fighting and sword fighting skills as an ability.

For a Hero? that’s par for the course. They have to know that; it’s an essential.

And he can have another weapon slot, but you have to clarify on that plasma blaster. You’re welcome to the description I offered, but if you don’t like it you have to write one of your own.

OK? I’ll edit the sign-ups with everything accumulated in the past 20 or so replies.

…That’s not what I’m asking. I offered you a specific description.[quote=“Ghid, post:31, topic:48387”]
It can launch one blast at a time and takes a little while to recharge it. This blast, while slower than normal ammunition, has quite the kick to it and can blow a hole in steel plating.

I even quoted you, and you quoted this section in particular.

Yes, I am going to edit the original topic with the description you gave about the blaster.
EDIT: Done.

Vladin Approved.

Steeljaw Approved.

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Quick question,
Would tools like radios or binoculars take a weapon/ability slot?

Probably not

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I would like to know who’s shooting him, because if I recall correctly (and I do), the bullets Detlas is firing… Blow things up.

You can’t assume a bullet is being fired from a character unless there’s gunfire everywhere, if the character doesn’t state the action. Detlas hasn’t fired another shot since the last post, so I don’t know where this one came from.

it must’ve been the work of a floating gun

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oof with all the explosions I was just under the impression there was gunfire everywhere, especially considering the moment I landed a bullet whizzed by me

Yes, and there was a specific character action to accompany that. If Detlas really did shoot you in the arm, you’d better change your hero name to Lefty.

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I’ve edited Proto-2’s signup. Would that be alright now?

Yep, now it’s good.

Proto-2 Approved.

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Name: Eric Senoha
Alias: The Sniper
Gender: Male programming
Appearance: a relatively bulky and angular robot, colored black with dull blue energy accents. Armor is staggered in various places with multiple thermal vents inside the staggered sections. Has a raised armor collar around the neck and loose or shifting armor around joints in order to protect them from attack and more importantly provide fill coverage. Has a large cannon on his back (which will be elaborated upon) that can fold up over his should and several unfoldable stabilizers located on the side skirt armor. Picture may or may not come, who knows.

  1. Variable Long Range Ballistic Cannon: A relatively large cannon located on Eric’s back, capable of firing a variety of rounds, typically 102mm armor piercing rounds, but can include explosive rounds, small guided rockets, and dedicated anti-vehicle and anti-infantry rounds. It carries one round at a time and reloading typically takes around a second, although longer delays of up to 5 seconds are often taken to prevent interference with the next feature. It has a maximum range of 20 km, but most shots meant to take out single targets are fired within 10 km. A sight is located to allow for accurate aiming up to 10 km, anything past that requires a spotter or knowing the location before reaching the fire location. Unfoldable supports connected to the side skirts stabilize him while firing and prevent him from being knocked off-balance. While it is possible to fire while on the move, the weapon is unweildy and when fired will throw him off balance due to recoil.
  2. Stealth Armor: While Eric may appear relatively heavily armored, much of the space taken up by the “armor” is actually a complex system of thermal and optical camouflage. It’s only by it being so bulky that it actually manages to be comparable to standard armor. The thermal and optical camouflage does what it sounds like it does, hiding him from visual and thermal sensors. Moving quickly will cause the opticla camouflage to be thrown out of sync with the environment and have a delay in updating, typically revealing him, and producing to much heat or moving from a hot area to a cold area quickly will cause the thermal camouflage to fail for a while. Each camouflage typically will take 3-4 systems to recalibrate if given the chance, with the thermal camouflage taking longer if lots of excess heat is created.
  3. A 72 round assualt rifle for typical encounters.
    Personality: A rather cold hero, his arsenal reflects his stance towards subduing villains; a single swift and deliberate killing blow is all that’s needed. He tends to alienate himself from most social interaction with other heroes, recognizing his tactics don’t tend to align with the overall message of the Hero Factory. He tries his best to only interact with others when absolutely necessary, such as on missions.
    Background: He doesn’t have much of a history in the Hero Factory, never being deployed solo on capture missions and when deployed in part of a team is usually a last resort and keeps to the back. The missions he’s more likely to be deployed on are shadier missions, such as destroying known villain outposts with explosive artillery fire.

Tone the first one down a little or choose between the two.

What would I have to tone down?

Small-guided rockets and anti-infantry rounds. While I understand the purpose of this character, I feel like the rest of his arsenal is quite capable of pulling off anything he realistically could with the other two, and leaves the other two open for abuse.

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