How Did You Discover TTV?

My older brother discovered Eljay’s reviews and started following them. Ven’s MOC spotlight also came up, so I assumed they were a typical Bionicle Shrine.
Then they started doing coverage for the return of Bionicle and all of that piqued my interest.
Subscribed shortly after.

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Similarly I watched LegomationStudio and then found Eljay who had a lot more up at the time so I gradualy moved over to TTV

flashback intensifies


It was 2013. I started to get back into my toddler self’s favorite toys: Bionicle. I looked up some HF stuff on the interwebs and found TTV’s Brain Attack review. I then dug through the channel and got fully into Bionicle.

1 year later

I knew it was coming. I didn’t know where. I didn’t know how. But I knew that one day, Bionicle would return. Then I saw the video. That changed everything.

deep intensifies


Are you ready to hear the unique, original, and one-of-a-kind story of how I found TTV? I bet you’ve never heard this one before:
Thursday, July 2nd 2014 --> Boredom --> Sudden BIONICLE Nostalgia --> YouTube Search --> BIONICLE Autopsy --> A short video with two guys freaking out about some sort of weird grayscale display stand with boxes on it.


Bionicle Autopsy. I dont know what I was looking for at the time but I saw ‘You killed Bionicle’ and I watched it.

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I Discovered TTV in 2012, when I started to look back at Bionicle and rediscover it. (I knew abou 50% about bionicle before 2010, then I forgot everything.) Somehow, I found Biocraft and I started to follow TTV because I liked everyone, I like Eljay A LOT, I liked Kahi and I like Ven-Var-Meso fusion… (Yeah, they sounded the same to me back then.) Kind of, except he was unlogical so I figured it was 3 diffrent people And, I guess Alena was okay.

At some point in 2014, I remembered Biocraft, and I felt betrayed. Then I thought, you know, I ain’t listening to the podcast for Biocraft, I had completely forgetten about it. I am listening because I enjoy it. And, so I am still here, constantly reminded of Bionicle, so I will never forget it again.

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Early 2014, my 12 year old self I looked up Lego 2015 on YouTube and found meso and eljay talking about the possibility of bionicle coming back. I kept looking and and eventually came across the podcast talking about the pic and then subscribed

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I found TTV through random searching on YouTube while increadibly bored. The funny thing is that it took almost a year for me to join the boards…

I think I was on a Bionicle nostalgia kick when I first saw their videos. I think it was either an Autopsy that drew me in, or one of the old 2015 leaks.

Well, I was a bionicle loving thirteen year old who recently got a YouTube account looking for Bionicle Videos when I stumbled across this YouTube series called something like “Eli’s Look back reviews” on the 2003 Matoran. I kinda liked it, and decided to check out the rest of the video on there, such as the podcast and “On Ebay Today” Two years later, well, here I am.

When did you guys start watching TTV and why did it catch your eye? I have been watching since they had about 40 over 3,00 subscribers. I found them and subscribed because I saw their BioCraft ad and wanted to see the final product. Anyways, I have no idea if that is still in production but I am glad I stuck with this cool group of guys, (and gals, you are loved Viper and Purps. <3)
How about you fellows?

Wow you sure do make a lot of topics my friend.

I started watching TTV back when the Message board first came up. I didn’t really care to much for being social back then so I never joined the boards back then.

I just like there personality’s, and they made me laugh when I really needed it. They have actually gotten me through some really rough patches in my life man.

I believe that was a year and a half ago right, or have I been watching TTV way longer then I thought?

What about prpldragon. I don’t care if she just a crew member, she been on a lot of podcast lately and the Ninjago videos. She deserve a mention at least…


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I started watching them late 2014 when I found out about bionicle returning. I think when I started watching it was right after NYCC. They were releasing their reviews of the sets and, well, it was way better than BZP. The rest is history.

around late 2013, liked the people and their content

then came the faithful day of the black and white bionicle leak, been with them ever since


I started when the leaks of the suggested return of Bonkle came out. My friend said, “Here is this channel, follow them.” “Akay” I replied. The 122nd and 123rd episode was listened by me at least 5 or 6 times. I can still laugh the crap outta myself on these two.

I found them when i was looking for 2015 leaks if i remember well.

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Pretty sure I started watching through the Bionicle Autopsies before the leaks.

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Funny thing is
I actually discovered them a while back, sometime in 2013, through their Biocraft Chronicles videos. But I didn’t really follow any of their other content at the time, not until the 2014 leak.


Searching for Bionicle building inspiration on Google late summer --> found the black-and-white pic of the display thing.

Got hyped.

Searched for Bionicle on iTunes --> found CubsBricks --> found TTVPodcast (but back then they had none of the newer episodes) and listened to a bunch of the old episodes.

Enjoyed the humor.

Eventually looked up more Bionicle stuff on Google and found this site after it had been up for a few months --> joined January 2015.

And so I’m here.
