How many tabs do you have open?

I always have a ridiculous number of tabs open at any time, so I was thinking, how many tabs do normal people have open? So I made this to share the number of tabs you have open.

Currently my tab count is at 141


I read web comics alot so this isn’t the usual count. or my final form

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I have 22. A lot of them are Bricklink stores that I want to order from eventually.

If i have homework theres a lot the
most i have had is around 15-16 taps open

7 an unusually high number for me, I usually instinctively close tabs as soon as I leave them

3, just three.

3, typically.

About two. Usually I have three open.

My phone usually maxes out at around 500.
Do I have two many tabs?

Fifteen. More cluttered than I usually like it to be, I’ll probably close some when I finish this post.

I also do this. The most I think I’ve had open is like 5 or 6

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Yeah this is the literal most tabs I’ve had open

And that’s only because I’m actually doing something with all of them

puppies do indeed make me angry


How does your computer even run?

It’s my phone…

It’d probably be a lot better if I got rid of all the tabs I don’t use.

At the end of the day, I have added 4 more tabs to my collection…

My usual five open right now, but that’s because I’m not doing school stuff or in general searching for stuff. Then I open up multiple windows in an effort to keep them all straight. (It actually makes things worse.)

Then there’s my friend, who has so many tabs open on his phone that it’s stopped counting. It just puts a smiley face where the tab count should be.

On my phone I usually have around ten. But only around three on my laptop

I got two open.

But this guy who went to my old school, he would have like 500 open. I guess he found it more convenient?

Today I went through and closed a bunch of tabs I don’t use.

I now have 42

At least half of those are anime related…

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Join an anime forum… And weeb out. Maybe you wont need thise anime tabs after.