How to put the Hahnah Crab on Jaller's back

You know how in the Toa Mahri minimovie, Jaller was seen with the Hahnah crab mounted onto his back? Well I’ve managed to find a way to accomplish this with the official set without use of any extraneous pieces.

Step 1

Disassemble the chain that links the crab to Jaller. Those two axles are important to this.

Step 2

Lift down Jallers chestplate and slide the two axles in facing as they are shown in the photo.

Step 3

Because they are inside pinholes, the axles will, of course, dis align so hold them down with your fingers as you…

Attach the Hahnah crab to them, via these axle holes.

Final result

Following the aforementioned steps should result in this. I like this method as the Hahnah Crab sticks out less than another method that I found in a video dealing with a similar subject.

Step 4 (optional

When Jallers like this, I like to attach the chain via the two little knobs on those axles and drape it inside his chestplate. The three extra Cordak rockets can be stored on his arms and in the center of his Cordak Blaster.

That’s all for now!


I thought the crab could always stick to Jaller’s back?

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I don’t recall it ever being shown on his packaging or the instructions

Nice fix! Although…

I don’t recall Jaller coming with two axles in different shades of grey :stuck_out_tongue:


I was wondering why they never showed how to do that in the instructions lol.

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What the… welp, time to go fix that!


No joke, I used to do this exact thing with mine…good times.


thank you

thank you so much


Your welcome :smile:

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Color me impressed. I’ve tried to figure that out for years. Good job!


I would have figured this out myself of course but I haven’t because I don’t have the set ;).


Nah, this is amazing, good job. (Though I still don’t have this set). And thanks, this has given me the idea for a technique of can use on my MOC, thanks again :slight_smile:

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That’s pretty impressive that you were able to do that without the use of extra parts

Amazing job

Edited title- Not_LegoMaster
I added an apostrophe. :smile:

This looks good and functions well! Great job! :smiley:

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I think I figured this out when I was 9

But good job nonetheless


I have been puzzling this for years. This is one of those solutions like the wheel that seems intuitive now, but you wonder, “why didn’t I think of that?”


After having him dissmembered for so many years I forgot that you couldn’t right off the bat. So food job for figuring this out and I gotta say it looks almost exactly like the mini-movie

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Thanks a lot I was thinking about how to do it for quite a while, but this is simple and works very good