HowTo: MOC Tutorials

So today I made what’s basically my version of Toa Onewa from the Toa Metru, basically coming out with a design that allows for a lot more poses, basically allowing for the toa to do sit ups.

This is the finished product

Now how to build the body.
This is the body itself, it can be modified further to add elemental colors and to add more height, let’s say using friction adders you can make the abdomen longer.

First let’s start with the waist unit.

Here’s the parts list, you’ll need 2 ball join connectors, 3 bohrok eyes (not needed per se but help fill in space), 2 light grey 3-long axe, one dark grey 3 long axel with the stud, 1 slizer (throwbot) foot, 1 hand connector, 1 1x2 smooth plate, 1 1x2 plate with bar connector, 1 1x1 plate with bar connector (shaped like a hand)
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

(if you want to make the body longer adding the friction adder here would be best.
Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Alright now we have a waist.

Next is the abdomen/body

pretty easy stuff to come by
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

Step 9

Now onto the final part, the shoulders

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Final Steps

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Completion, from here you can add the toa metru head and arms and legs, with out any real modification, though the arms will need a 2 long axel to connect to the grey hand connectors.


Could anyone point me to that tutorial on possable bohrok heads?

Once I get home from work I’ll get my custom Nuhvok out and show some pics of the neck assembly.

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I remember that.

I used it, and it works really well!

Thanks man

Anyone got any idea how to make this Thanos head look less… wrong? I’m thinking about ordering this krana:

(top right)
Since it has the right chin, but I’m worried the size problem proportional to the helmet and rest of the body will persist.
My other option is go the full Makuta Thanos route with the mask of control, which was my original plan.


I would say go the full Makuta Thanos, I think it would make it look better


Alright, I need some help here. I can usually get together limbs and weapons, but I can never make torsos. If anyone has general tips or basic designs, that would be nice.


What kind of torso, how big are we talking here?

About you average Toa MOC. Just look at my Self-MOC for an idea of my standard scale.

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So about inika size.

I’ll see if I can find a good frame for that scale



This is a decent frame to go off of, if you have plenty of ccbs

another cool frame idea to go off of.

I also designed my own frame [quote=“Jcton, post:1917, topic:1488”]
Now how to build the body.
This is the body itself, it can be modified further to add elemental colors and to add more height, let’s say using friction adders you can make the abdomen longer.

here’s a quote if you want to see what I did here, it’s a basic frame design and can be modified to be bigger or really as large as you need it to be.

A frame is just a base or a skeleton that people design for others to use in their MOCs and so those people can easily customize them as needed.


Thanks, that helps!


Does anyone have a good custom head to Gen 2 masks? I don’t like how loose the normal ones feel.

So for quite a while I wanted to do an Agori moc.
I really can’t wrap my head around a torso idea. Like, I already figured out what I want from the limbs (I think that a good way to distinguish Agori mocs of Matoran mocs is to make them taller, lankier and almost entirely CCBS, it’s a completely different texture that kinda looks like the ridiculously simple limbs that the original Agori sets had), but I need a torso.
I need something short, but still around the size of Raanu’s torso piece.
EDIT: I am also looking for a design that just screams “Hey look! I am old fashion!”, cause this character supposed to live during the Shattering, and I presume that the Agori armour back then would look greatly different than the ones now.

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I’ve recently began work on a dragon MOC, and I’m struggling to get a good head design. I worked like a few hours and I came out with absolutely nothing. I’d deeply appreciate some help.

How big is the dragon?


The size of the head at least should be around dragonbolt’s

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Right. I’ll see what I can come up with.

Also what kind of style do you want the dragon?

Right, I’m pretty much done now but it’s way too big. I just enjoy building dragons too much.


Excep a scary look, it doesn’t really matter, and I can change it if needed.

Good, that makes me feel it will turn out great.