If you had super powers

So if I had a super power? Well this is really quite the question which requires much time, for any choice has many positives and negatives. So many possible options but- (another me runs into the room and pushes the other me over) THE ABILITY TO TURN INTO ANY DINOSAUR!

So future vision.

Yeah. Sure

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Watch forbidden planet, it explains why really well

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUHHhhhh I old timely movie. Nice.

Laser eyes, wouldn’t need a barbecuer then.

i would have the powar of being able to take feelings like pain and discomfort in to energy form and launch it to another person while getting rid of it for me

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I would have bacon powers (like infinite bacon shooting out of my hand.), and my suit would be bacon colours with a cape made of bacon. I wanna both good and bad. I prefer being a solo person.

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Size-related powers would be cool. (Shrinking or growing, but preferably shrinking)

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Like the 2016 Antman right?

Basically, yes.

Sounds kinda Ninjago-ish. Still cool though.

The only power I want is some good old fashioned earth bending.

super resistance and white magic + a little bit of radiance damage
super resistance has immunity to psychic, fire, gravity related, certain types of magma, disease, everything.

EDIT: changed answer: human remote control

new edit:neutral good hero, control and absorb all forms of energy

i thought of it because of the fact energy can only be converted it cannot be created or destroyed

I will take the power to convert the crushing weight I feel all the time into actual weight to crush my enemies.

My team consists of only me because I’m utterly alone in this world.


if i had superpowers id be a shape shifter so i could morph myself into a potato

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is a thread about one superpower that is op with good writing the same as this or can i post a seperate one?

If I would have superpowers I would use them to create/collect the Infinity Stones and to conquer my reality.

Basic stuffs.

I’d totally have super-human accuracy.

'be some sniper in a trench coat watching over a space station full of losers.

the amount of you who’d get that ref can probably be counted on a single hand


I’d be this bro with control over molecules upon contact with them. (He has to touch them to control them he’s not super op)
His costume would be made of Kevlar and titanium threads and it’d have a sweet mask that looks like Stormer 1.0’s mask flipped over or something, and a hoodie and stuff.

or hair manipulation bc practicality

Idk if this is over powered but the ability to time travel would be pretty fun. I wouldn’t be a hero or a villain, and I wouldn’t have a costume. I would just use my powers for fun.

Mind control would be pretty fun too.

Or super speed.

But it doesn’t matter because people superpowers will never exist lmao

EDIT: if I did have a suit it would probably be something simple that hides my face and skin

Every time I dab, I would create food wherever I wanted.

I can solve world hunger and make die inside at the same time.


I actually had the idea for a really cool bionicle themed power suit.

So the suit is fitted with 12 different powers and abilities, but doesn’t have enough energy to run more than one at a time. It also has a small backpack with all 12 of the original 2001 masks, and depending on which mask you wear, that’s the power the suit uses.