If you had super powers

Gravity warps spacetime, therefore Gravity > Time. Remember Einstein’s equation?

Yeah your the only gentlemen on the team Eddie. At least we have a gentlemen on the team though.

He he he he.
What happened to not OP.


We need a gentleman in our team. I’ll take that role. :joy:
Just superior, I didn’t say anithong anything about OPness. Also, the Gravity has properties in time and space, and also vica-versa.

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'Cause that ain’t for spacetime warping.
It’s for a star’s nuclear fusion.


You be that guy Eddie.

I was making a joke, But in all seriousness we are all kind of over powered on this team.

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you know what? screw good/bad guys. i’m mercenary for hire to the highest bidder.

I’m also a robot, with an unlimited power source and can think and feel pain like a person, because eating and breathing is overrated.


Time is relativistic, also the triad of time-space-gravity is bound to coexist. Also, the least powerful of the four subatomic powers is gravity.

Edit #1.: I ain’t a Physics teacher, the teacher told us that this is 101%true, give or take 1%. :smile:

Edit #2.: I just got this from space.com: Changes in the orbit of Mercury: The orbit of Mercury is shifting very gradually over time, due to the curvature of space-time around the massive sun. In a few billion years, it could even collide with Earth.


How about a Chara?

that’s pretty edgy.

Sure, 'cause that’s not broken.

“Bro, it’s cool, my power source can run forever. here, lemme put up this invincible forcefield that I can generate for all time because of my Emperor Palpatine-level Unlimited Power.”

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Oh my I didn’t think about that that would be so funny.

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A chara you say?

thanks asriel…oh man this was planned all along.


Do your pants go that high?!

oh I actually forgot about that…




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By the why what would happen if I landed a hit with my massive sword? Would you guys die like a normal person or would it bounce off?

Im not good at roleplays so I guess ill just wouldn’t care


Wow so your immortal and can control the flow of time that’s OP man.

That’s the spirit, like deadpool, breaking even the 16th wall.


Asriel gon give it to ya

I don’t even know what that means, well yeah I know, but what am I going to give you? it’s just like saying words you don’t know the meaning for, like Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious


Yap. :laughing::joy: “Say my name. I dare ta.”

Wait I could just cause the flow of time to go so chaotic it tears itself apart. So I am also pretty OP.