Introduce Yourself!

oh wait, did I ever introduce myself? guess its time

I’m trev (AKA darth, darth trevan, Dank_mcface, or trev44) woohoo, it only took like a year and a half to post here

Master basically means we have no life and spend way too much time on this website



Welcome to the boards, @Folk!

I’m one of the mods here. Good on ya for reading the rules! :smile:

If you have any questions or concerns about anything, feel free to message me, or any of the other moderators, and we’d be happy to help! (Here’s a list of the mods)

Also, this back and forth that you’re having with @Hutere_the_Toa_of_Air is encouraged for ‘Private Message’ (PM) conversations. So, we’d ask you to create a PM with anyone that you want to chat with, since that kind of discussion can get off topic fast :wink:.

Hope you have an enjoyable time here!


Hi @folk! welcome to the twilight zo-er, I mean the TTV message boards. I hope you have fun!

Oh, hey @trev44 nice to see you come here how soon can you leave? /s

Oh, @Folk /s menas sarcasm, incase if you didn’t know





Hello, @Folk, and welcome!

Is that a shot at protectors?

Wait… Really?
It felt like so long back then…

Anyway, @Folk, Enjoy yourself (and don’t get too latched onto titles. Many protectors are well-liked, respectable, and have more time to do stuff).

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Hey @Folk.

Welcome to the boards.

Have fun and don’t do double posting.

DP’s are bad for health.

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don’t worry it’s not a shot at protectors, it was just a joke about how unfamiliar I was with the boards that’s all

Yeah, Folk do the things… that the people say and… I’ve got nothing new to add here. See you around the boards!

H[quote=“Radiation-7901, post:2503, topic:13”]
Yeah, Folk do the things… that the people say and…

Have I already done something wrong ? XD

No, but keep it up…?

I guess. Thanks anyway :slight_smile:

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Being a protector does not mean unfamiliarity. Most people on these fair boards have that rank.

What it does mean is you haven’t been around long enough to be a master.

As you can probably tell from my rank, I earned this title.

So take my advise: Becoming a master is REALLY HARD.

If you think you are up for it then I’ll welcome you to the “special” club.


“Protector embryo” ment “baby villager”, I am sorry if the joke seemed confusing

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The thing with this site is ranks are based on time rather than experience.

In a few days you’ll be a protector.

In a few months you may be a master.

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Yeah I know :slight_smile:

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I don’t think he needed anything to be explained. :stuck_out_tongue:
He gets how it works.

I think he said that himself.

Okay guys, you’re kinda getting a bit off-topic, so I’m gonna end it here.

Anyway @Folk, welcome! As I’m sure others have told you, make sure to read the rules, and you’ll do fine. :smile:


I wonder who that could be…