Island of Mystery(RP Topic)

OOC: all makuta powers, which dodge is a part of, are stage 6.

OOC: and swordsman dodged, and when he couldn’t, he teleported back to where he was. Nothing changed. I was flying, you just didn’t see that because I wasn’t responding to you.

OOC: Basically, I wouldn’t come actually care if it was, by technicality, an autohit, so long as you, in post state why it wouldn’t, but if you don’t, ohohoh, expect me to give a drive-by argument.

Ahem, who as it that said Makuta can use every stage of Kratta power again? And it says you’re using the ability, and not just physically doing the action of dodging, where?

Just, listen, I don’t really want to be running this argument, but now that I’m in I’m going to do my $#!#.

OOC: Pretty sure it was GregF. It only makes sense after all, that makuta, who can spawn kraata that grow into Stage 7, can use at a bare minimum Stage 6.

Sorta one and the same. Even then, I let him teleport me, then I teleported back. The discussion on this serves no purpose tbh.


OOC: Nananana not responding to me ? Bruv you need to type what your doing. Now your lying and saying that you dodge my attack which you didnt cause I used your abilite against you and in that time I´ve open a boom tube to escape in that time you were paralyzed you cant move in the slow field you like you said. Your Swordsman couldnt teleport cause he was stuck in the slow field again stop lying and again you need to type what you are doing. Not saying i was flying but I didnt respond to you that nanana boy battle over kapish?

OOC: Actually, he teleported himself.

Also, that argument doesn’t work seeing as how im saying, who was the one in this RP who said that? I.e. you, who, going by how you wrote the one that this reply was to, is now claiming they can only use stage 6 powers.

Ooc- it’s fine man

Ic- “you wanna take a nap?” He says rather gently, making sure not to be loud so he didn’t full blown wake her up

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@Omega_Tahu @KAI_BORG

To be honest I can say no kratta power works on Darkseid ha thats what im going to do you know why ? Cause Darkseid isnt from this world so it doesnt work on him. And Im done for real stop pissing me off @Omega_Tahu Battle O V E R… I dont have the hole day to fight now end of discussion Battle OVER…

OOC: I said that his mental attacks fail. Swordsman was not paralyzed. He then teleported back once he was teleported away. Also Swordsman, with control over Slow fields, could easily undo one done upon him.[quote=“MichaelTheLightBringer, post:3606, topic:43892”]
Not saying i was flying but I didnt respond to you that nanana boy battle over kapish?

I responded to Kai earlier when he intervened, saying I flew higher out of his range.

Stage 6 is the maximum. It- ohhhh, I see. It’s not like if I have stage 6 I can’t use stae 5. Stage 6 includes stage 5, they’re like upgrades. Sometimes makuta don’t want to kill their opponents, and so don’t use the full power of their kraata.

Doesn’t work like that. You’d need to get that approved, along with every other non-approved power you’ve used so far. So you can either have Darkseid continue or retreat, as at this moment Swordsman is still facing Darkseid, and that won’t change.

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@Omega_Tahu OOC: End of discussion dude you can type all you want the battle is over go battle your rahi or something…in the future you should know that what I am saying is Canon. Kratta power doesnt work on Darkseid its useless against him cause he is not of this universe so that doesnt work on him. Done really Im done.

“Um…” she lets out curling her self up to a comfortable position with her eyes barely open.

Ooc- You can’t just say “kraata powers don’t work on him” because he’s from a different universe. 1. You’d need to alter his profile and get the ok from runa, and 2. You should have a reason besides the fact it’s an inconvenience to you

Ic- @Tarkur Echo chuckles and pats her shoulder "sleep well


OOC: Then your character is no longer allowed in the RP, due to using unapproved powers. All interactions with Darkseid will be nulled, and I advise everyone ignore Darkseid as he does not comply with the RP rules. Until you get premission from @Runa that will be how it is.

@Omega_Tahu OOC: It changes Swordsman is facing nothing man. Nothing. Its done. Well you know what doesnt work… saying that you did that before saying to that comment which you commented do not work like that man

Ooc- wh

what did i just read

take this to the pm. Please.

OOC: Much better, I just didn’t enjoy the odd claim that all of a sudden Makuta’s couldn’t use lower level powers INV what’ve seemed to be an argument to why he was using dodge.

OOC: I am respecting the rules but the battle is over.

OOC: I never did that. What are you talking about?

Either way, Darkseid is no longer part of the RP if you give him new powers willy nilly. Either continue or leave, Ic or OOC. Simple as that.

Idiocy. Pure, unadulterated, idiocy.

Just leave it. Michael, you’re being stupid, and I agree with Omega Tahu. Just end it already.



OOC: Now now lets not start with the insults…

Azure yawns and falls asleep and was now able to relax.

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