Kahi Nuva: Ace Attorney: Podcasts for All - An Interactive Adventure

Let’s go talk to them. Maybe one of those lurkers have information.

Prpl: Hey, isn’t that Cronk?

Cronk: Guys! Did you find anything?

User: Nothing to flag, Cronk.

Cronk: Gah! We need to find something!

User: But Cronk, there aren’t any clues. That’s why we arrested Eljay. It’s clear that he was the one who-

Cronk: Why didn’t you blame Waj?!

User: Sorry, sir…

Prpl: What’s up with Cronk?

Kahi: Probably investigating.

Cronk: Woah! It’s you two again. Just what are you doing here, Kahi?

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We’re trying to help out a friend. And you?

Cronk: Trying to figure out who the real murderer of Merlin Mann was, but alas, they want me to find clues on how Eljay killed him.

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So you don’t believe it was Eljay? Why not?

is one of them @Joe
can we slap him for missing evidence


Cronk: Do you really think Eljay would kill Merlin Mann?

Eljay is the so called “canon expert” so if he had beef with some canon thing, he could threaten Merlin to change something

Cronk: I guess so? Doesn’t make a whole lotta sense to me.

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What does the crime scene look like?

Cronk: We don’t know. That’s the main issue we’re having. The body looks like it washed up on shore. There’s no trail of blood or anything.

Have you questioned any of the masters? Have they seen anything? Are any of them acting suspicious?

Cronk: No reason to find any of them suspicious. Many of them woke up on Christmas and opened gifts with the family. They all have alibis.

Can we look at where the body was found?

Cronk: Nope. That’s off-limits.

Can you give me any information about the body?

Cronk: They’re still analyzing the body.

Do you have any suspicions? Or theories?


Cronk: Beats me. Everyone is saying Eljay did it. We found him here at the beach.

And did he have the gun in his hand? What was he wearing?