Kahi Nuva: Ace Attorney: Podcasts for All - An Interactive Adventure

Into the woods! (To Grandma’s house)

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Shout-out to the fact that Cronk totally rage-quitted the previous case.


That’s old news. Also, rage quit? Not really. More like decided to give up because I was bored of it.


December 25th
Highly Suspect Lake
Public Beach

Prpl: So this is Highly Suspect lake.

Kahi: It was popular when BIONICLE was back, but now that it’s dead again, so is this lake.

Prpl: Yeah… Oh hey look food!

Kahi: “Omega Dogs.” What even are those?

Prpl: Those sounds pretty good right now to be honest.

Kahi: Maybe I should look around instead…

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What’s that red thing on the ground?

I’m feeling like a raccoon. Let’s raid the trash can.

Prpl: Hey someone left a party popper, and it’s unused!

Kahi: Yeah, you see those a lot around New Years.

Prpl: Maybe it’s a clue!

Kahi: Probably not.

Prpl: Well I’m taking it anyways.

I wonder of there’s anything important in that trash can

Prpl: You’re gonna look for the garbage?

Kahi: Mm… You’re right. Let’s not.

What does that sign say

Yeah, but only today did I decide to read the 400+ new replies to this topic. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Omega Dogs.”

Kahi: Nobody is there at the concession sign. Probably closed.


Anyways, what’s the red thing on the ground?

Already asked. Can we go look at the conccession stands?

There’s nobody there.

lets go back to the office

Kahi: Not much to do here…

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How about the beach?

We were already at the beach.

How about the woods?

Oh, I had it backwards. Then yes, the woods

i agree the woods